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Together forever : the gay man's guide to lifelong love |
top performer's guide to speeches and presentations : essential skills that put you on top |
Ultimate college guide 2009 {6th ed.} |
Unleash the poem within : how reading and writing poetry can liberate your creative spirit |
What they don't teach you in college : a graduate's guide to life on your own |
What you can do right now to help your child with autism |
Why we read what we read : a delightfully opinionated journey through contemporary bestsellers |
Write tight : say exactly what you mean with precision and power |
Young patriots : the remarkable story of two men, their impossible plan, and the revolution that created the Constitution |
ventaja latina en el trabajo : approvecha quie큡 eres para alcanzar tus metas {1. ed.} |
Megaskills : building our children's character and achievement for school and life {Expanded ed.} |
complete prenuptial agreement kit (+CD-ROM) {1st ed.} |
complete personal bankruptcy guide {1st ed.} |
When happily ever after ends : how to survive your divorce--emotionally, financially, and legally {1st ed.} |
Business for beginners : from research and business plans to money, marketing and the law {Quick start your business} |
Latino advantage in the workplace : use who you are to get where you want to be {1st ed.} |
Freeing your child from negative thinking : powerful, practical strategies to build a lifetime of resilience, flexibility, and happiness {1st Da Capo Press ed.} |
art of faking it : sounding smart without really knowing anything |
It's not you, it's biology : the real reason men and women are different |
Feminist thought : a more comprehensive introduction {3rd ed.} |
Contemporary Israel : domestic politics, foreign policy, and security challenges |
Globalization : a reference handbook {Contemporary world issues (Online)} |
Renewable and alternative energy resources : a reference handbook {Contemporary world issues (Online)} |
Twitter means business : how microblogging can help or hurt your company |
Portable communities : the social dynamics of online and mobile connectedness |
Applied economics : thinking beyond stage one {Rev. and enl. ed.} |
vertigo years : Europe, 1900-1914 |
Paths of life : six case histories {Rev. and Upd., 10th aniv. ed.} |
April 4, 1968 : Martin Luther King, Jr.'s death and how it changed America |
Professor Stewart's cabinet of mathematical curiosities |
Three victories and a defeat : the rise and fall of the first British Empire, 1714-1783 |
Samuel Johnson : the struggle |
land so strange : the epic journey of Cabeza de Vaca : the extraordinary tale of a shipwrecked Spaniard who walked across America in the sixteenth century |
history of the modern Middle East {4th ed.} |
Discipline with dignity : new challenges, new solutions {3rd ed.} |
Calculus know-it-all : beginner to advanced, and everything in between |
All about bonds, bond mutual funds, and bond ETFs {"All about-- " series (McGraw-Hill Companies : Online); 3rd ed., Fully rev.} |
Geometry : includes plane, analytic, and transformational geometries {Schaum's outline series (Online); 4th ed.} |
Excel 2007 charts made easy |
McGraw-Hill's ACT {2009 ed.} |
Cigarette Century : the rise, fall, and deadly persistence of the product that defined America |
Is the Holocaust unique? : perspectives on comparative genocide {3rd ed.} |
Keen's Latin American civilization : history and society, 1492 to the present {9th ed.} |
Italy : from revolution to republic, 1700 to the present {4th ed.} |
Taiwan : nation-state or province? {5th ed.} |
Military leadership : in pursuit of excellence {6th ed.} |
Exploring signature pedagogies : approaches to teaching disciplinary habits of mind {1st ed.} |
Establishing the family-friendly campus : models for effective practice {1st ed.} |
Women at the top : what women university and college presidents say about effective leadership {Pathways to leadership series; 1st ed.} |
Barack Obama in his own words {Rev. and updated ed.} |
Toni Morrison's Beloved : origins {Routledge transnational perspectives on American literature (Online) ; 3} |
Improving student retention in higher education : the role of teaching and learning |
industrial vagina : the political economy of the global sex trade {RIPE series in global political economy (Online)} |
Emergent computer literacy : a developmental perspective {Routledge research in education (Online) ; 20} |
origin of organized crime in America : the New York City mafia, 1891-1931 {Routledge advances in American history (Online) ; 1} |
Educating learning technology designers : guiding and inspiring creators of innovative educational tools |
From "perverts" to "fab five" : the media's changing depiction of gay men and lesbians |
Relentless progress : the reconfiguration of children's literature, fairy tales, and storytelling |
Revolutionary America, 1763-1815 : a political history {2nd ed.} |
Routledge handbook of religion and politics {Routledge international handbooks} |
literary quest for an American national character {Routledge transnational perspectives on American literature ; 9.9} |
Online social networking on campus : understanding what matters in student culture {1st ed.} |
Teaching music in American society : a social and cultural understanding of teaching music |
Themes in modern European history, 1890-1945 {Themes in modern European history} |
Disability, sport, and society : an introduction |
Film music : a history |
New media : a critical introduction {2nd ed.} |
Teaching history online |
Liberating voices : a pattern language for communication revolution |
Uneven ground : Appalachia since 1945 |
Hydrogen & fuel cells : advances in transportation and power |
good life rules : 8 keys to being your best at work and at play |
Smart parenting during and after divorce |
When things get crazy with your teen : the why, the how, and what to do now |
meeting planner's guide to catered events |
Culture and health : applying medical anthropology {1st ed.} |
Essentials of evidence-based academic interventions {Essentials of psychological assessment series} |
Atomic charges, bond properties, and molecular energies |
Medical toxicology of natural substances : foods, fungi, medicinal herbs, plants, and venomous animals |
Schizophrenia for dummies {--For dummies} |
Silverlight 2.0 bible |
Cross-cultural selling for dummies {--For dummies} |
MacBook Air portable genius |
family's guide to the military for dummies {--For dummies} |
Green cleaning for dummies {--For dummies} |
Teach yourself visually Photoshop Elements 7 {Visual read less, learn more} |
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 for dummies {--For dummies} |
Journalism and truth : strange bedfellows {Visions of the American press} |
Monstrous martyrdoms : three plays {2nd ed.} |
Literature and human equality {Rethinking theory} |
My version of the facts |
first person singular {Northwestern University studies in phenomenology & existential philosophy} |
African American newspaper : voice of freedom {Visions of the American press} |
Merleau-Ponty reader {Northwestern University studies in phenomenology & existential philosophy} |
Philosophy in dialogue : Plato's many devices {Northwestern University topics in historical philosophy} |
yellow journalism : the press and America's emergence as a world power {Visions of the American press} |
military and the press : an uneasy truce {Visions of the American press} |
Women and the press : the struggle for equality {Visions of the American press} |
First ladies and the press : the unfinished partnership of the media age {Visions of the American press} |
Atlas of gross pathology : with histologic correlation |
Leadership ethics : an introduction |
Spanish-language narration and literacy : culture, cognition, and emotion |
Next generation wireless LANs : throughput, robustness, and reliability in 802.11n |
Nixon, Kissinger, and U.S. foreign policy making : the machinery of crisis |
autonomy of morality |
Women, family, and gender in Islamic law {Themes in Islamic law ; 3.3; 1st ed.} |
Desire for race |
Jesus and philosophy : new essays |
Slavery in White and Black : class and race in the Southern slaveholders' new world order |
bilingual mind : thinking, feeling and speaking in two languages {Cognition and language} |
Analysis, synthesis, and perception of musical sounds : the sound of music {Modern acoustics and signal processing} |
States of consciousness : models for psychology and psychotherapy {Emotions, personality, and psychotherapy} |
Handbook of poisonous and injurious plants {2nd ed.} |
Handbook of cancer survivorship |
First responder's guide to abnormal psychology : applications for police, firefighters, and rescue personnel |
Health and modernity : the role of theory in health promotion |
Organic food : consumers' choices and farmers' opportunities |
nature of statistical evidence {Lecture notes in statistics (Springer-Verlag) ; v. 189.v. 189} |
new worlds : extrasolar planets {Springer-Praxis books in popular astronomy} |
From suns to life : a chronological approach to the history of life on earth |
Exploring the secrets of the aurora {Astrophysics and space science library ;v. 346; 2nd ed.} |
Temporal dimensions of landscape ecology : wildlife responses to variable resources |
Analysing ecological data {Statistics for biology and health} |
Supernovae and how to observe them {Astronomers' observing guides} |
health of aging Hispanics : the Mexican-origin population |
Biological, chemical, and radiological terrorism : emergency preparedness and response for the primary care physician |
Handbook of obesity prevention : a resource for health professionals |
Superior beings : if they exist, how would we know? : game-theoretic implications of omniscience, omnipotence, immortality, and incomprehensibility {2nd ed.} |
computer scientist's guide to cell biology : a travelogue from a stranger in a strange land |
Space shuttle Challenger : ten journeys into the unknown {Springer-Praxis books in space exploration} |
Physics of classical electromagnetism |
Observing the sun with Coronado telescopes {Patrick Moore's practical astronomy series} |
Cancer survivorship : today and tomorrow |
Spectroscopy : the key to the stars, reading the lines in stellar spectra {Patrick Moore's practical astronomy series} |
Open source GIS : a GRASS GIS approach {3rd ed.} |
Economics of identity theft : avoidance, causes and possible cures |
Setting-up a small observatory : from concept to construction {Patrick Moore's practical astronomy series} |
Astronomical sketching : a step-by-step introduction {Patrick Moore's practical astronomy series} |
Information and complexity in statistical modeling {Information science and statistics} |
Online business security systems |
Farewell to the internal clock : a contribution in the field of chronobiology |
Total solar eclipses and how to observe them {Astronomers' observing guides} |
Soft computing for knowledge discovery and data mining |
Machine learning for multimedia content analysis {Multimedia systems and applications series} |
Treating trichotillomania : cognitive-behavioral therapy for hairpulling and related problems {Series in anxiety and related disorders} |
teacher's role in implementing cooperative learning in the classroom {Computer-supported collaborative learning ; v. 8.v. 8} |
Cross-cultural assessment of psychological trauma and PTSD {International and cultural psychology series} |
Quirky sides of scientists : true tales of ingenuity and error from physics and astronomy |
Mobile and wireless network security and privacy |
Educational algebra : a theoretical and empirical approach {Mathematics education library ; v. 43.v. 43} |
Promoting self-change from addictive behaviors : practical implications for policy, prevention, and treatment |
Making beautiful deep-sky images : astrophotography with affordable equipment and software {Patrick Moore's practical astronomy series} |
Social competence in children |
sociology of loyalty |
Developing prosocial communities across cultures |
Interactive and dynamic graphics for data analysis : with R and GGobi {Use R!} |
Handbook of behavioral and cognitive therapies with older adults |
Cultural competence in health care |
Fragmented intimacy : addiction in a social world |
Depression and globalization : the politics of mental health in the 21st century |
Guide to observing deep-sky objects : a complete global resource for astronomers {Patrick Moore's practical astronomy series} |
language of mathematics : telling mathematical tales {Mathematics education library ; v. 44.v. 44} |
Patterns of light : chasing the spectrum from Aristotle to LEDs |
Software for data analysis : programming with R {Statistics and computing} |
Statistical learning from a regression perspective {Springer series in statistics} |
Education outreach and public engagement {Mentoring in academia and industry ; 1.1} |
Racism in the 21st century : an empirical analysis of skin color |
Polynomial convexity {Progress in mathematics (Boston, Mass.) ; v. 261.v. 261} |
century of ideas : perspectives from leading scientists of the 20th century {Fundamental theories of physics ; v. 149.v. 149} |
economics of forest disturbances : wildfires, storms, and invasive species {Forestry sciences ; v. 79.v. 79} |
Groundwater recharge from run-off, infiltration and percolation {Water science and technology library ; v. 55.v. 55} |
Methods and tools for drought analysis and management {Water science and technology library ; v. 62.v. 62} |
Perspectives on human dignity : a conversation |
Plant conservation and biodiversity {Topics in biodiversity and conservation ; v. 6.v. 6} |
welfare of cattle {Animal welfare ; v. 5.v. 5} |
Medical decisions, estrogen and aging |
Mild stress and healthy aging : applying hormesis in aging research and interventions |
Stem cells, human embryos and ethics : interdisciplinary perspectives |
Phase transitions in cell biology |
Physics for game programmers {Books for professionals by professionals} |
Practical Ruby gems {Expert's voice in open source} |
Practical Ruby for system administration {Expert's voice in open source} |
Microformats : empowering your markup for Web 2.0 |
Practical JavaScript, DOM scripting, and Ajax projects {Expert's voice in Web development} |
Pro .NET 2.0 XML {Expert's voice in .NET} |
Pro VB 2008 and the .NET platform {Expert's voice in .NET} |
Beginning information cards and CardSpace : from novice to professional {Expert's voice in .NET} |
Forecasting Oracle performance {Expert's voice in Oracle} |
Pro Access 2007 {Expert's voice in Microsoft Access} |
Extreme NXT : extending the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT to the next level {Technology in action series} |
Pro Java 6 3D game development : Java 3D, JOGL, JInput, and JOAL APIs {Expert's voice in Java technology} |
How to code .NET : tips and tricks for coding .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0 applications effectively {Expert's voice in .NET} |
Beginning C : from novice to professional {Expert's voice in C; 4th ed.} |
Textpattern solutions : PHP-based content management made easy |
Beginning Java SE 6 platform : from novice to professional {Expert's voice in Java technology} |
Pro LCS : live communications server administration {Expert's voice in collaborative technology} |
Foundations of Qt development {Expert's voice in open source} |
Smart and gets things done : Joel Spolsky's concise guide to finding the best technical talent |
LINQ for visual C# 2005 {FirstPress} |
Pro Microsoft Speech Server 2007 : developing speech enabled applications with .NET {Expert's voice in .NET} |
PHP solutions, dynamic web design made easy |
Beginning Ruby on Rails e-commerce : from novice to professional {Expert's voice in open source} |
Pro JavaScript techniques {Expert's voice in Web development} |
Practical rails projects {Expert's voice in Web development} |
Pro SQL Server 2005 Service Broker {Expert's voice in SQL server} |
Berkeley DB book {Expert's voice in open source} |
Pro WCF : practical Microsoft SOA implementation {Expert's voice in .NET} |
Beginning game development with Python and Pygame : from novice to professional {Expert's voice in open source} |
Founders at work : stories of startups' early days |
essential guide to Flex 2 with ActionScript 3.0 {friends of ED Adobe learning library} |
Raven : scripting Java builds with Ruby {FirstPress} |
Applied mathematics for database professionals |
Beginning HTML with CSS and XHTML : modern guide and reference {Expert's voice in Web development} |
Expert C++/CLI : .NET for Visual C++ programmers {The expert's voice in .NET} |
Foundations of F# {Expert's voice in .NET} |
Beginning Ruby : from novice to professional {Expert's voice in open source} |
Beginning database design |
Windows Vista : beyond the manual |
Pro WF : Windows Workflow in .NET 3.0 {Expert's voice in .NET} |
Foundations of security : what every programmer needs to know {Expert's voice in security} |
Pro NetBeans IDE 5.5 enterprise edition {Expert's voice in Java technology} |
Practical .NET 2.0 networking projects {Expert's voice in .NET} |
Foundations of GTK+ development {Expert's voice in open source} |
Outlook 2007 l {Beyond the manual} |
Creating mobile games : using Java ME platform to put the fun into your mobile devise and cell phone {Technology in Action Press book} |
Beginning PL/SQL : from novice to professional {Expert's voice in Oracle} |
Illustrated C# 2005 {Expert's voice in .NET} |
First steps : developing BizTalk applications {FirstPress} |
PHP objects, patterns, and practice {2nd ed.} |
Troubleshooting Oracle performance |
Building Spring 2 Enterprise applications {Spring from the source series} |
Practical Prototype and |
definitive guide to JasperReports |
Beginning VB 2008 : from novice to professional {Expert's voice in .NET} |
Pro Windows PowerShell {Expert's voice in Windows administration} |
essential guide to Flex 3 |
Illustrated C# 2008 {Expert's voice in .NET} |
Beginning SQL Server 2008 for developers : from novice to professional {Expert's voice in SQL server} |
Spring recipes : a problem-solution approach |
definitive guide to Terracotta : cluster the JVM for Spring, Hibernate, and POJO scalability {Expert's voice in open source} |
Taking your iPod touch to the max {Technology in action series} |
Pro T-SQL 2008 : programmer's guide |
LINQ for Visual C# 2008 {FirstPress} |
Autism : current theories and evidence {Current clinical neurology} |
How to photograph the moon and planets with your digital camera {Patrick Moore's practical astronomy series} |
Living with coronary disease |
Evolutionary computer music |
Jupiter and how to observe it {Astronomers' observing guides} |
Astrophysics is easy! : an introduction for the amateur astronomer {Patrick Moore's practical astronomy series} |
Lights in the sky : identifying and understanding astronomical and meteorological phenomena {Patrick Moore's practical astronomy series} |
Multimedia data mining and knowledge discovery |
Psychological challenges in obstetrics and gynecology : the clinical management |
Digital convergence : libraries of the future |
Cognition, communication and interaction : transdisciplinary perspectives on interactive technology {Human-computer interaction series} |
Intelligent computing everywhere |
Handbook of pediatric cardiovascular drugs |
Variable-length codes for data compression |
Number story : from counting to cryptography |
Interactive media : the semiotics of embodied interaction |
Distributed search by constrained agents : algorithms, performance, communication {Advanced information and knowledge processing} |
Conceptions of the desirable : what cities ought to know abaout the future |
Competence assessment in dementia |
Cornea and external eye disease {Essentials in ophthalmology} |
nonlinear universe : chaos, emergence, life {Frontiers collection} |
Color atlas of melanocytic lesions of the skin |
Lost causes in and beyond physics |
Breast cancer : nuclear medicine in diagnosis and therapeutic options |
Crib death : sudden unexplained death of infants : the pathologist's viewpoint |
Radiographic atlas of skull and brain anatomy |
physical basis of the direction of time {Frontiers collection; 5th ed.} |
Cancer in adolescents and young adults {Pediatric oncology} |
IT measurement compendium : estimating and benchmarking success with functional size measurement |
Requirements management : the interface between requirements development and all other systems engineering processes |
Scheduling algorithms {5th ed.} |
Drugs compromising male sexual health |
Software measurement : establish, extract, evaluate, execute |
Thinking in complexity : the computional dynamics of matter, mind, and mankind {Springer complexity; 5th rev. and enl. ed.} |
MATLAB recipes for earth sciences {2nd ed.} |
Plant surface microbiology |
calculus of computation : decision procedures with applications to verification |
Fundamental trends in city development {Urban and landscape perspectives ; v. 1.v. 1} |
Environmental geology : handbook of field methods and case studies |
Plant litter : decomposition, humus formation, carbon sequestration {2nd ed.} |
Information access through search engines and digital libraries {Information retrieval series} |
Mass extinction |
Rationale-based software engineering |
Precipitation : advances in measurement, estimation, and prediction |
modern algebra of information retrieval {The information retrieval series} |
testing network : an integral approach to test activities in large software projects |
Orbits |
Semantic service provisioning |
buzz about bees : biology of a superorganism |
Demands of expanding populations and development planning : clean air, safe water, fertile soils |
Living systems : innovative materials and technologies for landscape architecture |
Logica universalis : towards a general theory of logic {2nd ed.} |
Classical geometries in modern contexts : geometry of real inner product spaces {2nd ed.} |
role of physical exercise in preventing disease and improving the quality of life |
Principles of plant science : environmental factors and technology in growing plants |
Human factors of visual and cognitive performance in driving |
Organic pollutants : an ecotoxicological perspective {2nd ed.} |
Methamphetamine use : clinical and forensic aspects {2nd ed.} |
Peer power. Book 1, Becoming an effective peer helper and conflict mediator : workbook {4th ed.} |
Peer power Book One, Becoming an effective peer helper and conflict mediator / : strategies for the professional leader {4th ed.} |
Censorship {Global issues (Facts on File, Inc.)} |
Henry IV, Part I {Bloom's Shakespeare through the ages} |
Bronte쮛 {Bloom's modern critical views; New ed.} |
Rights of the elderly {Library in a book} |
Critical companion to William Faulkner : a literary reference to his life and work {Facts on File library of American literature} |
World poverty {Global issues (Facts on File, Inc.)} |
Discovering careers for your future. Adventure {2nd ed.} |
Organization of American States {Global organizations series} |
Oscar Wilde {Bloom's classic critical views} |
William Blake {Bloom's classic critical views} |
Career opportunities in science {2nd ed.} |
Child abduction and kidnapping {Criminal investigations} |
Gangs and gang crime {Criminal investigations; 1st ed.} |
Serial killers {Criminal investigations} |
Unsolved crimes {Criminal investigations} |
Discovering careers for your future : law enforcement |
Careers in focus. Nonprofit organizations |
Natural resources and sustainable development {Global issues (Facts on File, Inc.)} |
Dust Bowl {Great historic disasters} |
coast : hazardous interactions within the coastal environment {Hazardous earth} |
Volcanoes : eruptions and other volcanic hazards {Hazardous earth} |
Time of the giants : the middle & late Jurassic epochs {Prehistoric earth} |
Virtual apprentice. Cartoon animator |
Freshwater resources and interstate cooperation : strategies to mitigate an environmental risk |
Educating democratic citizens in troubled times : qualitative studies of current efforts |
Race and police brutality : roots of an urban dilemma {SUNY series in deviance and social control} |
Single-sensor imaging : methods and applications for digital cameras {Image processing series} |
Global warming, natural hazards, and emergency management |
Statistical misconceptions |
Architecting secure software systems |
Profiling hackers : the science of criminal profiling as applied to the world of hacking |
Geographic information systems in water resources engineering |
Karch's pathology of drug abuse {4th ed.} |
Albright's chemical engineering handbook |
Emotional memory across the adult lifespan {Essays in cognitive psychology} |
Peer power. Book two : strategies for the professional leader : applying peer helper skills {3rd ed.} |
Peer power, book two : workbook applying peer helper skills {3rd ed.} |
Software testing and continuous quality improvement {3rd ed.} |
Next generation of data mining {Chapman & Hall/CRC data mining and knowledge discovery series} |
Violence assessment and intervention : the practitioner's handbook {2nd ed.} |
chemical components of tobacco and tobacco smoke |
United States water law : an introduction |
Aging and diversity : an active learning experience {2nd ed.} |
prohibition era : temperance in the United States {Milestones in American history} |
Bankruptcy law {Point-counterpoint (Philadelphia, Pa.)} |
Encyclopedia of computer science and technology {Facts on File science library; Rev. ed.} |
Discovering careers for your future. Teaching {2nd ed.} |
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley {Bloom's modern critical views; New ed.} |
Cons and frauds {Criminal investigations} |
Amy Tan {Bloom's modern critical views; New ed.} |
Celebrities and crime {Criminal investigations} |
Organized crime {Criminal investigations} |
ESP, psychokinesis, and psychics {Mysteries, legends, and unexplained phenomena} |
Encyclopedia of hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones {Facts on File science library; New ed.} |
Encyclopedia of forensic science {Facts on File science library; Rev. ed.} |
Encyclopedia of marine science {Facts on File science library} |
Blood, bugs, and plants {Facts on File science library} |
Firearms and fingerprints {Facts on File science library} |
SAT math bible |
Nova's GMAT math bible |
Nova's GRE math bible |
Eating well for kidney health : a practical guide and cookbook |
Breast cancer {Answers at your fingertips} |
From colony to superpower : U.S. foreign relations since 1776 {Oxford history of the United States (Unnumbered)} |
new music theater : seeing the voice, hearing the body |
Echoes of life : what fossil molecules reveal about earth history |
Child poverty and inequality : securing a better future for America's children |
Lincoln and his admirals : Abraham Lincoln, the U.S. Navy, and the Civil War |
foundations of rock : from "Blue suede shoes" to "Suite : Judy blue eyes" |
Vietnam War : a concise international history |
Atlantic history : a critical appraisal {Reinterpreting history} |
Take me home : protecting America's vulnerable children and families |
pleasure center : trust your animal instincts |
Children of methamphetamine-involved families : the case of rural Illinois |
Historical research {Pocket guides to social work research methods} |
Please please me : sixties British pop, inside out |
Homer's cosmic fabrication : choice and design in the Iliad {American classical studies ; no. 52} |
domains and demands of school social work practice : a guide to working effectively with students, families, and schools {Oxford workshop series (School Social Work Association of America)} |
Music as discourse : semiotic adventures in romantic music {Oxford studies in music theory} |
Paper citizens : how illegal immigrants acquire citizenship in developing countries |
overflowing brain : information overload and the limits of working memory |
Stephen Jay Gould : reflections on his view of life |
Understanding Jonathan Edwards : an introduction to America's theologian |
guide to the good life : the ancient art of Stoic joy |
Sexuality : a very short introduction {Very short introductions} |
Collected poems and other verse {Oxford world's classics (Oxford University Press)} |
Meno and other dialogues {Oxford world's classics (Oxford University Press)} |
Dialogues and essays {Oxford world's classics (Oxford University Press)} |
Candide and other stories {Oxford world's classics (Oxford University Press); New ed.} |
picture of Dorian Gray {Oxford world's classics (Oxford University Press); New ed. /} |
expedition of Cyrus {Oxford world's classics (Oxford University Press)} |
Hannibal's war : books twenty-one to thirty {Oxford world's classics} |
Aeneid |
Ecce homo : how to become what you are {Oxford world's classics (Oxford University Press)} |
Political speeches {Oxford world's classics (Oxford University Press)} |
Four Restoration libertine plays {Oxford English drama} |
Robinson Crusoe {Oxford world's classics (Oxford University Press); New ed.} |
Selected letters {Oxford world's classics (Oxford University Press)} |
Count of Monte Cristo {Oxford world's classics (Oxford University Press); Rev. ed.} |
scarlet letter {Oxford world's classics (Oxford University Press); New ed.} |
Notebooks {Oxford world's classics (Oxford University Press); New ed.} |
Mystical love in the German Baroque : theology, poetry, music {Contextual Bach studies} |
Inside Pierrot lunaire : performing the Sprechstimme in Schoenberg's masterpiece |
J.K. Lasser's 1001 deductions and tax breaks 2009 : your complete guide to everything deductible |
J.K. Lasser's guide for tough times : tax and financial solutions to see you through |
Global television : co-producing culture {Emerging media} |
Messages from home : the parent-child home program for overcoming educational disadvantage {Rev. and updated ed.} |
Twenty-first century color lines : multiracial change in contemporary America |
Damaged goods? : women living with incurable sexually transmitted diseases |
Tomboys : a literary and cultural history |
Race and class matters at an elite college |
end of empires : African Americans and India |
Telling young lives : portraits in global youth |
American culture in the 1960s {Twentieth-century American culture} |
American culture in the 1930s {Twentieth-century American culture} |
African American visual arts {BAAS paperbacks} |
Hollywood's blacklists : a political and cultural history |
American thought and culture in the 21st century |
Masculinity and popular television |
Ethics, love, and faith in Kierkegaard : philosophical engagements {Indiana series in the philosophy of religion} |
Qualities of effective principals |
Art and theory after socialism |
Basic Spanish {Practice makes perfect (McGraw-Hill Companies)} |
Easy French step-by-step : master high-frequency grammar for French proficiency--fast! |
Ubuntu server administration {Network professional's library} |
Oracle Enterprise manager 10g grid control implementation guide |
Easy Italian step-by-step : Master high-frequency grammar for Italian proficiency-- fast! |
Environmental impacts of pasture-based farming |
Resource allocation theory applied to farm animal production |
Fugitive days : memoirs of an antiwar activist |
Blacks, Reds, and Russians : sojourners in search of the Soviet promise |
American cinema of the 1990s : themes and variations {Screen decades} |
When boys become parents : adolescent fatherhood in America |
Doing diversity in higher education : faculty leaders share challenges and strategies |
Using wikis for online collaboration : the power of the read-write Web {Jossey-Bass guides to online teaching and learning; 1st ed.} |
Deploying and administering Windows Vista bible |
Professional Microsoft SQL server 2008 administration {Wrox professional guides} |
Successful time management for dummies |
iMac portable genius {Portable genius} |
Teach yourself visually astronomy {Teach yourself visually} |
Beading VISUAL quick tips {Visual quick tips} |
Wire jewelry {Visual quick tips} |
CompTIA Security+ Deluxe study guide {Serious skills} |
CauseWired : plugging in, getting involved, changing the world |
Teach yourself visually MacBook Air {Visual read less, learn more} |
Where am I wearing? : a global tour to the countries, factories, and people that make our clothes |
Triathlon training for dummies {--For dummies} |
Home recording for musicians for dummies {--For dummies; 3rd ed.} |
Email marketing : an hour a day {Serious skills} |
Guitar exercises for dummies {--For dummies} |
AP chemistry for dummies {--For dummies} |
Dreamweaver CS4 all-in-one for dummies / by Sue Jenkins and Richard Wagner {--For dummies} |
QuickBooks 2009 for dummies {--For dummies} |
Illustrator CS4 for dummies |
Home theater for dummies {--For dummies; 3rd ed.} |
Manage your life with Outlook for dummies {--For dummies} |
Building blocks for learning, occupational therapy approaches : practical strategies for the inclusion of special needs in primary school |
British sign language for dummies {--For dummies} |
Voice work : art and science in changing voices |
Essential forensic biology {2nd ed.} |
Introductory circuits |
mended and broken heart : the life and love of Francis of Assisi |
10,000 year explosion : how civilization accelerated human evolution |
"There is no alternative" : why Margaret Thatcher matters |
As time goes by : boomerang marriages, serial spouses, throwback couples, and other romantic adventures in an age of longevity |
very first light : the true inside story of the scientific journey back to the dawn of the universe {Rev. and updated} |
suicide of reason : radical Islam's threat to the West |
Quirkology : how we discover the big truths in small things |
1848, year of revolution |
Spymaster : my thirty-two years in intelligence and espionage against the west |
Who's been sleeping in your head : the secret world of sexual fantasies |
Boys adrift : the five factors driving the growing epidemic of unmotivated boys and underachieving young men |
Ain't no makin' it : aspirations & attainment in a low-income neighborhood {3rd ed.} |
Africa in world politics : reforming political order {4th ed.} |
Mistaking Africa : curiosities and inventions of the American mind {2nd ed.} |
Russia and the Soviet Union : an historical introduction from the Kievan state to the present {6th ed.} |
Man the hunted : primates, predators, and human evolution {Expanded ed.} |
American dream : walking in the shoes of carnies, arms dealers, immigrant dreamers, pot farmers, and Christian believers |
Collateral damage : America's war against Iraqi civilians |
Meltdown : how greed and corruption shattered our financial system and how we can recover |
long time coming" : the inspiring, combative 2008 campaign and the historic election of Barack Obama {1st ed.} |
How to get your school moving and improving : an evidence-based approach {1st ed.} |
Why not the best schools? |
Why not the best schools? : the US report {1st ed.} |
Working together : linking skills and curriculum for adolescents with a language learning disability |
Freedom's main line : the journey of reconciliation and the Freedom Rides {Civil rights and the struggle for Black equality in the twentieth century} |
Narnia and the Fields of Arbol : the environmental vision of C.S. Lewis {Culture of the land} |
philosophy of the Coen brothers {Philosophy of popular culture} |
future of citizenship |
nature of difference : sciences of race in the United States from Jefferson to genomics |
On Latin adverbs {Amsterdam academic archive} |
Apollonian clockwork : on Stravinsky {Amsterdam academic archive} |
'From behind the curtain' : a study of girls' madrasa in India {ISIM dissertations} |
Guts and brains : an integrative approach to the hominin record |
key to Dutch history : the cultural canon of The Netherlands |
Fabricating the absolute fake : America in contemporary pop culture |
Strindberg on drama and theatre : a source book {NUR ; 670} |
Shrines and pilgrimage in the modern world : new itineraries into the sacred |
Why is the Netherlands the best country? |
Traditional authorities in Africa : resurgence in an Era of democratisation {Law, governance, and development. Research} |
Slavery, capitalism, and politics in the antebellum republic. Volume 2, The coming of the Civil War, 1850-1861 |
Human rights and social work : towards rights-based practice {Rev. ed.} |
Christian realism and the new realities |
Making people illegal : what globalization means for migration and law {Law in context} |
Insights into game theory : an alternative mathematical experience |
Crude democracy : natural resource wealth and political regimes {Cambridge studies in comparative politics} |
fate of young democracies |
Treatment manual for smoking cessation groups : a guide for therapists |
Darfur and the crime of genocide {Cambridge studies in law and society} |
Sunspots and starspots {Cambridge astrophysics series ; 4646} |
Hegel's practical philosophy : rational agency as ethical life |
Better mental health care |
Emergency airway management |
Stalkers and their victims {2nd ed.} |
Russia since 1980 : wrestling with westernization {World since 1980} |
Descriptive psychopathology : the signs and symptoms of behavioral disorders |
Economics of forest resources |
Lives of the laureates : twenty-three Nobel economists {5th ed.} |
Localist movements in a global economy : sustainability, justice, and urban development in the United States {Urban and industrial environments} |
grid book |
Inventing American history {Boston review book} |
Functions in biological and artificial worlds : comparative philosophical perspectives {Vienna series in theoretical biology} |
Virtualpolitik : an electronic history of government media-making in a time of war, scandal, disaster, miscommunication, and mistakes |
Sidewalks : conflict and negotiation over public space {Urban and industrial environments} |
Psychology : Pythagoras to present |
Toward sustainable communities : transition and transformations in environmental policy {American and comparative environmental policy; 2nd ed.} |
Hijacking sustainability |
Breakthrough communities : sustainability and justice in the next American metropolis {Urban and industrial environments. Sustainable metropolitan communities books} |
Design meets disability |
ethics of computer games |
Architecture depends |
crucible of consciousness : an integrated theory of mind and brain {1st MIT Press ed.} |
Beyond red and blue : how twelve political philosophies shape American debates |
What we know about emotional intelligence : how it affects learning, work, relationships, and our mental health |
Bioethics in the age of new media |
Adobe AIR bible |
Teach yourself visually Macs {Teach yourself visually} |
annals : the reigns of Tiberius, Claudius, and Nero {Oxford world's classics (Oxford University Press)} |
Music in the USA : a documentary companion |
Death or liberty : African Americans and revolutionary America |
Koda큞y today : a cognitive approach to elementary music education |
Sense of the faithful : how American Catholics live their faith |
Dusty! : queen of the postmods |
Moody minds distempered : essays on melancholy and depression |
Imaginative transcripts : selected literary essays |
Two billion cars : driving toward sustainability |
Imagining the fetus : the unborn in myth, religion, and culture {American Academy of Religion cultural criticism series} |
Reconstructions : new perspectives on the postbellum United States |
Music for the common man : Aaron Copland during the Depression and war |
Messy morality : the challenge of politics {Uehiro series in practical ethics} |
Just and unjust warriors : the moral and legal status of soldiers |
pursuit of unhappiness : the elusive psychology of well-being |
Enjoyment : the moral significance of styles of life |
Shakespeare's letters |
Machine-age comedy {Modernist literature & culture} |
Urbanization and growth |
Be a successful green land developer |
MCITP Windows Vista support technician : exam guide (exams 70-620, 70-622, and 70-623) {All-in-one} |
Floods, famines, and emperors : el Nin~o and the fate of civilizations {Rev. ed.} |
Keepers of the keys of heaven : a history of the papacy |
Blackwater : the rise of the world's most powerful mercenary army |
Metaphysics {3rd ed.} |
Religion of the gods : ritual, paradox, and reflexivity |
day Wall Street exploded : a story of America in its first age of terror |
Scandal & civility : journalism and the birth of American democracy |
Making the best of it : following Christ in the real world |
Conversational style : analyzing talk among friends {New ed.} |
Clio in the classroom : a guide for teaching U.S. women's history |
Global perspectives on constitutional law |
Rome and China : comparative perspectives on ancient world empires {Oxford studies in early empires} |
Lincoln : a very short introduction {Very short introductions ; 203.203} |
making of a Catholic president : Kennedy vs. Nixon 1960 |
Oxford companion to philosophy {2nd ed.} |
Catharine Macaulay and Mercy Otis Warren : the revolutionary Atlantic and the politics of gender |
Pariah politics : understanding Western radical Islamism and what should be done |
Blood relations : Christian and Jew in the Merchant of Venice |
Economic turbulence : is a volatile economy good for America? |
Sprawl : a compact history |
Sociology in America : a history |
Chicago guide to landing a job in academic biology |
first year out : understanding American teens after high school {Morality and society} |
Rethinking expertise |
Building the devil's empire : French colonial New Orleans |
intelligibility of nature : how science makes sense of the world {Science.culture} |
Protogaea |
medical malpractice myth |
gold leaf lady and other parapsychological investigations |
Eugene O'Neill's America : desire under democracy |
Inclusion : the politics of difference in medical research {Chicago studies in practices of meaning} |
Government and the American economy : a new history |
theological origins of modernity |
Tulipmania : money, honor, and knowledge in the Dutch golden age |
Divas and scholars : performing Italian opera |
truth about conservative Christians : what they think and what they believe |
Science for sale : the perils, rewards, and delusions of campus capitalism |
Changing lives : delinquency prevention as crime-control policy {Adolescent development and legal policy} |
limits of sovereignty : property confiscation in the Union and the Confederacy during the Civil War |
Against prediction : profiling, policing, and punishing in an actuarial age |
Muslims in Spain, 1500 to 1614 |
Subversive sounds : race and the birth of jazz in New Orleans |
holy land reborn : pilgrimage & the Tibetan reinvention of Buddhist India {Buddhism and modernity} |
Teaching other voices : women and religion in early modern Europe {Other voice in early modern Europe} |
Citizen : Jane Addams and the struggle for democracy |
Free labor : workfare and the contested language of neoliberalism |
Foreign aid : diplomacy, development, domestic politics |
Powers of the mind : the reinvention of liberal learning in America |
power stronger than itself : the AACM and American experimental music |
madman's middle way : reflections on reality of the Tibetan monk Gendun Chopel {Buddhism and modernity} |
Gesture and thought |
Inside the presidential debates : their improbable past and promising future |
Coast lines : how mapmakers frame the world and chart environmental change |
foreign policy disconnect : what Americans want from our leaders but don't get {American politics and political economy} |
Routes of remembrance : refashioning the slave trade in Ghana |
Screening modernism : European art cinema, 1950-1980 {Cinema and modernity} |
On your own without a net : the transition to adulthood for vulnerable populations {John D. and Catherine T. Macarthur Foundation series on mental health and development. Research Network on Transitions to Adulthood and Public Policy} |
Rereading the Black Legend : the discourses of religious and racial difference in the Renaissance empires |
politics of small things : the power of the powerless in dark times |
Professing literature : an institutional history {Twentieth anniversary ed.} |
secret history of emotion : from Aristotle's Rhetoric to modern brain science |
Faeries, bears, and leathermen : men in community queering the masculine |
Spiral Jetta : a road trip through the land art of the American West {Culture trails} |
God and government in the ghetto : the politics of church-state collaboration in Black America {Morality and society} |
Caribbean pleasure industry : tourism, sexuality, and AIDS in the Dominican Republic {Worlds of desire} |
Martial : the world of the epigram |
Getting your way : strategic dilemmas in the real world |
Marcus Aurelius in love |
Marked : race, crime, and finding work in an era of mass incarceration |
brief history of the Spanish language |
Unequal under law : race in the war on drugs |
Danteworlds : a reader's guide to the Inferno |
Arguing with tradition : the language of law in Hopi Tribal court {Chicago series in law and society (Online)} |
Varieties of Muslim experience : encounters with Arab political and cultural life |
fallacy of campaign finance reform |
Natural born celebrities : serial killers in American culture |
On the frontier of adulthood : theory, research, and public policy {John D. and Catherine T. Macarthur Foundation series on mental health and development. Research Network on Transitions to Adulthood and Public Policy (Online)} |
race to 270 : the Electoral College and the campaign strategies of 2000 and 2004 |
Pockets of crime : broken windows, collective efficacy, and the criminal point of view |
Affirmative advocacy : race, class, and gender in interest group politics |
Marriage and cohabitation {Population and development (Chicago, Ill.)} |
Public pulpits : Methodists and mainline churches in the moral argument of public life |
U.S. Army/Marine Corps counterinsurgency field manual : U.S. Army field manual no. 3-24 : Marine Corps warfighting publication no. 3-33.5 {University of Chicago Press ed. /} |
Talking about race : community dialogues and the politics of difference {Studies in communication, media, and public opinion} |
politics of same-sex marriage |
In honor of Fadime : murder and shame {Revised and extended, partly rewritten version.} |
Placing the Enlightenment : thinking geographically about the age of reason |
Regulatory rights : Supreme Court activism, the public interest, and the making of constitutional law |
powers of war and peace : the constitution and foreign affairs after 9/11 |
Believe not every spirit : possession, mysticism, & discernment in early modern Catholicism |
John Donne, body and soul |
Postmortem : how medical examiners explain suspicious deaths {Fieldwork encounters and discoveries} |
birth of Head Start : preschool education policies in the Kennedy and Johnson administrations |
Wannabes, goths, and Christians : the boundaries of sex, style, and status |
Dangerous frames : how ideas about race and gender shape public opinion {Studies in communication, media, and public opinion} |
Instructions for American servicemen in Iraq during World War II |
Revelation of modernism : responses to cultural crises in fin-de-sie`cle painting |
Mark Twain : unsanctified newspaper reporter {Mark Twain and his circle series} |
Little house, long shadow : Laura Ingalls Wilder's impact on American culture |
Feast or famine : food and drink in American westward expansion |
Recollections of the war with Mexico |
Mediating American autobiography : photography in Emerson, Thoreau, Douglass, and Whitman |
Explorer : the life of Richard E. Byrd |
Myth {new critical idiom; 2nd ed.} |
Department of Homeland Security bioterrorism risk assessment : a call for change |
Synthetic worlds : the business and culture of online games |
Abraham Lincoln in the post-heroic era : history and memory in late twentieth-century America |
Understanding the effects of child sexual abuse : feminist revolutions in theory, research and practice {Women and psychology} |
Governing women : women's political effectiveness in contexts of democratization and governance reform {Routledge/UNRISD research in gender and development ; 5.5} |
Movement training for the modern actor {Routledge advances in theatre and performance studies ; 10.10} |
Participatory learning in the early years : research and pedagogy {Routledge research in education ; 21.21} |
Creating and sustaining arts-based school reform : the A+ schools program |
Mediawriting : print, broadcast, and public relations {3rd ed.} |
Black women, cultural images, and social policy {Routledge studies in North American politics ; 2.2} |
Antebellum slave narratives : cultural and political expressions of Africa {American popular history and culture (Routledge (Firm))} |
handbook of journalism studies {ICA handbook series} |
Middle East today : political, geographical and cultural perspectives |
Violence against women : vulnerable populations {Contemporary sociological perspectives series} |
Aspects of American history |
Basic Chinese : a grammar and workbook {2nd ed.} |
Speechless : the erosion of free expression in the American workplace {BK currents book; 1st ed.} |
Community : the structure of belonging {1st ed.} |
You're addicted to you : why it's so hard to change--and what you can do about it {1st ed.} |
Salsa, soul, and spirit : leadership for a multicultural age {1st ed.} |
Breakdown, breakthrough : the professional woman's guide to claiming a life of passion, power, and purpose {BK life book; 1st ed.} |
Values-driven business : how to change the world, make money, and have fun {social venture network series; 1st ed.} |
Reset : changing the way we look at video games {BK currents book} |
Consensus through conversation : how to achieve high-commitment decisions {1st ed.} |
connect effect : building strong personal, professional, and virtual networks {1st ed.} |
Changing how the world does business : FedEx's incredible journey to success : the inside story {1st ed.} |
nonverbal advantage : secrets and science of body language at work |
Screwed : the undeclared war against the middle class--and what we can do about it {1st ed.} |
Framing the future : how progressive values can win elections and influence people {1st ed.} |
five secrets you must discover before you die |
Mayday! : asking for help in times of need {1st ed.} |
great turning : from empire to Earth community {1st ed.} |
Something to live for : finding your way in the second half of life {1st ed.} |
leadership wisdom of Jesus : practical lessons for today {2nd ed., rev. and expanded.} |
Be big : step up, step out, be bold : daring to do our best work together {1st ed.} |
power of serving others : you can start where you are {1st ed.} |
Seeing systems : unlocking the mysteries of organizational life {2nd ed., Rev. and expanded.} |
Peace first : a new model to end war {BK currents book; 1st ed.} |
Theory U : learning from the future as it emerges : the social technology of presencing {1st ed.} |
small-mart revolution : how local businesses are beating the global competition {1st ed.} |
resiliency advantage : master change, thrive under pressure, and bounce back from setbacks |
Appreciative intelligence : seeing the mighty oak in the acorn {1st ed.} |
Eat that frog! : 21 great ways to stop procrastinating and get more done in less time {2nd ed.} |
Flight plan : how to achieve more, faster than you ever dreamed possible {1st ed.} |
Family activism : empowering your community, beginning with family and friends {BK currents book} |
Turning to one another : simple conversations to restore hope to the future {2nd ed.} |
Tasks in primary mathematics teacher education : purpose, use and exemplars {Mathematics teacher education ; v. 4.v. 4} |
Putting crime in its place : units of analysis in geographic criminology |
Games : purpose and potential in education |
Ice, rock, and beauty : a visual tour of the new Solar System |
Solar system astrophysics. Vol. 1, Background science and the inner solar system {Astronomy and astrophysics library} |
Solar system astrophysics. Vol. 2, Planetary atmospheres and the outer solar system {Astronomy and astrophysics library} |
Motivational aspects of prejudice and racism {Nebraska symposium on motivation ;vol. 53} |
Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes {Monographs in computer science} |
Urban ecology : an international perspective on the interaction between humans and nature |
Practitioner's guide to emotion regulation in school-aged children |
Stochastic ordinary and stochastic partial differential equations : transition from microscopic to macroscopic equations {Stochastic modelling and applied probability} |
Cannabinoids and the brain |
Vulnerability analysis and defense for the Internet {Advances in information security} |
Identifying, assessing, and treating conduct disorder at school {Developmental psychopathology at school} |
Handbook of giftedness in children : psychoeducational theory, research, and best practices |
Health issues confronting minority men who have sex with men |
Anxiety in health behaviors and physical illness {Series in anxiety and related disorders} |
Biostatistics and microbiology : a survival manual |
Open source systems security certification |
Real world ecology : large-scale and long-term case studies and methods |
Information theory and statistical learning |
Integrated science : new approaches to education : a virtual roundtable discussion |
Elementary number theory : primes, congruences, and secrets : a computational approach {Undergraduate texts in mathematics} |
Elementary functional analysis {Graduate texts in mathematics ; 253.253} |
Making meaning : constructing multimodal perspectives of language, literacy, and learning through arts-based early childhood education {Educating the young child} |
Galois theory {Universitext; 2nd ed.} |
Teaching for wisdom : cross-cultural perspectives on fostering wisdom |
Innovations in chemical biology |
Biology, conservation and sustainable development of sturgeons {Fish & fisheries series} |
Play and learning in early childhood settings : international perspectives {International perspectives on early childhood education and development} |
Education, democracy, and the moral life |
Thinking about life : the history and philosophy of biology and other sciences |
Seeking integrity in teacher education : transforming student teachers, transforming my self {Self study of teaching and teacher education practices; 1st ed.} |
AdvancED Flex 3 |
Beginning Ubuntu LTS server administration : from novice to professional {Expert's voice in Linux; 2nd ed.} |
Intelligent environments : methods, algorithms and applications {Advanced information and knowledge processing} |
Exit-architecture : design between war and peace {TRACE (Springer (Firm))} |
TT viruses : the still elusive human pathogens {Current topics in microbiology and immunology} |
Misconceptions in chemistry : addressing perceptions in chemical education |
Learning diagnostic imaging : 100 essential cases |
Your brain and your self : what you need to know |
moon that wasn't : the saga of Venus' spurious satellite {Science networks historical studies ; v. 37.v. 37} |
almanac of American education, 2008 {Bernan Press U.S. databook series} |
Vital statistics of the United States : births, life expectancy, deaths, and selected health data {Bernan Press U.S. databook series; 3rd ed.} |
Studying Hinduism : key concepts and methods |
end of stigma? : changes in the social experience of long term illness |
option of urbanism : investing in a new American dream |
Managing growth in America's communities {2nd ed.} |
Cities as sustainable ecosystems : principles and practices |
Design charrettes for sustainable communities |
Never work harder than your students & other principles of great teaching |
Building teachers' capacity for success : a collaborative approach for coaches and school leaders |
Learning and leading with habits of mind : 16 essential characteristics for success |
Content-area conversations : how to plan discussion-based lessons for diverse language learners |
How to write great screen plays : and get them into production {1st ed.} |
Live and work in Brazil : all you need to know about life, work and property in one of the world's fastest-growing economies {1st ed.} |
marketing toolkit : bite-sized wisdom, perfect for busy people who would sooner be succeeding, not reading-- {1st ed.} |
guide to good business communications : how to write and speak English well in every business situation {5th ed.} |
five-minute writer : exercise and inspiration in creative writing in five minutes a day {2nd ed.} |
Touch typing in ten hours : how to use the essential's of Microsoft Word 2007 {3rd ed., rev. and updated.} |
How the religious right shaped lesbian and gay activism {Social movements, protest, and contention ; v. 31v. 31} |
Haunting the Korean diaspora : shame, secrecy, and the forgotten war |
Differentiating instruction for at-risk students : what to do and how to do it |
Never too old to teach : how middle-aged wisdom can transform young minds in the classroom |
Balancing the school calendar : perspectives from the public and stakeholders |
No more theories please! : a guide for elementary teachers |
World music : a global journey {2nd ed.} |
toolkit for assessment {Sustainable urban development ; v. 3.v. 3} |
Genders {New critical idiom; 2nd ed.} |
Reflections in communication : an interdisciplinary approach |
Performing difference : representations of "the other" in film and theater |
Getting green done : hard truths from the front lines of the sustainability revolution {1st ed.} |
Mr. Adams's last crusade : John Quincy Adams's extraordinary post-presidential life in congress {1st ed.} |
Gusher of lies : the dangerous delusions of "energy independence" |
two trillion dollar meltdown : easy money, high rollers, and the great credit crash {1st ed., [rev. and updated]} |
Power and restraint : a shared vision for the U.S.-China relationship {1st ed.} |
Hide and seek : the search for truth in Iraq {1st ed.} |
War & genocide : a concise history of the Holocaust {Critical issues in history. World and international history; 2nd ed.} |
Inventing entertainment : the player piano and the origins of an American musical industry |
Ultimate job search : invaluable advice on networking, CVs, cover letters, interviews, psychometric tests and follow-up strategies {2nd ed.} |
diversity training handbook : a practical guide to understanding & changing attitudes {3rd ed.} |
How to pass diagrammatic reasoning tests : essential practice for abstract, input type and spacial reasoning tests |
Start up & run your own business : the essential guide to planning, funding and growing your new enterprise {7th ed.} |
Readymade CVs : winning CVs for every type of job {4th ed.} |
Test and assess your brain quotient : discover your true intelligence with tests of aptitude, logic, memory, EQ, creative and lateral thinking |
Probing the new solar system |
Sign language acquisition {Benjamins current topics ; v. 14.v. 14} |
Gangs : a reference handbook {Contemporary world issues; 2nd ed.} |
Reconstruction : people and perspectives {Perspectives in American social history} |
Utopias in American history |
Historical dictionary of journalism {Historical dictionaries of professions and industries ;4} |
Dating Jesus : a story of fundamentalism, feminism, and the American girl |
student loan scam : the most oppressive debt in U.S. history, and how we can fight back |
Sowing crisis : the Cold War and American dominance in the Middle East |
lonely American : drifting apart in the twenty-first century |
Enabling solutions for sustainable living : a workshop |
Lands that hold one spellbound : a story of East Greenland {Northern lights series, 1701-0004 ; 1111} |
Death and the classic Maya kings {Linda Schele series in Maya and pre-Columbian studies; 1st ed.} |
Greek sport and social status {Fordyce W. Mitchel Memorial Lecture Series; 1st ed.} |
Sex work and the city : the social geography of health and safety in Tijuana, Mexico {Inter-America series; 1st ed.} |
To be like gods : dance in ancient Maya civilization {Linda Schele series in Maya and pre-Columbian studies; 1st ed.} |
Kiowa ethnogeography {1st ed.} |
Vital enemies : slavery, predation, and the Amerindian political economy of life {1st ed.} |
Introducing philosophy of religion |
Sexuality in world history {Themes in world history} |
Intimate citizenships : gender, sexualities, politics {Routledge research in gender and society ; 18.18} |
Class, ethnicity, gender and Latino entrepreneurship {New approaches in sociology} |
nutritionist : food, nutrition, and optimal health {2nd ed.} |
introduction to staff development in academic libraries |
Generation 1.5 in college composition : teaching academic writing to U.S.-educated learners of ESL |
Returning to religion : why a secular age is haunted by faith {Library of modern religion ; 1.1} |
Stagecoach to tombstone : the filmgoers' guide to the great westerns |
Superheroes! : capes and crusaders in comics and films |
peaches on the beaches : a book about inflectional endings by {Sounds like reading ;bk. 7} |
bug in the jug wants a hug : a short vowel sounds book {Sounds like reading} |
Stop, drop, and flop in the slop : a short vowel sounds book with consonant blends {Sounds like reading} |
nice mice in the rice : a long vowel sound book {Sounds like reading} |
thing on the wing can sing : a short vowel sounds book with consonant digraphs {Sounds like reading ;book 5} |
Straight and curvy, meek and nervy : more about antonyms {Words are categorical} |
Learning without school : home education |
Liam says "Hi" : learning to greet a friend |
guitar in America : Victorian era to jazz age {American made music series} |
Shreveport sounds in black & white {American made music series} |
Emmett Till and the Mississippi press |
hard rain fell : SDS and why it failed |
Roots of a region : Southern folk culture |
Contemporary southern identity : community through controversy |
Courtship and love among the enslaved in North Carolina {Margaret Walker Alexander series in African American studies} |
Jennie Carter : a Black journalist of the early West {Margaret Walker Alexander series in African American studies; 1st ed.} |
Black Rock : a Zuni cultural landscape and the meaning of place |
trumpet around the corner : the story of New Orleans jazz {American made music series} |
season of night : New Orleans life after Katrina |
Faulkner and Welty and the southern literary tradition |
Covering for the bosses : labor and the Southern press |
Turncoats, traitors, and fellow travelers : culture and politics of the early Cold War |
78 blues : folksongs and phonographs in the American South {American made music series} |
Accordion dreams : a journey into Cajun and Creole music |
Blues traveling : the holy sites of Delta blues / Steve Cheseborough {3rd ed.} |
Cajun and zydeco dance music in Northern California : modern pleasures in a postmodern world {American made music series} |
Garlic capital of the world : Gilroy, garlic, and the making of a festive foodscape |
Let's make some noise : axe?and the African roots of Brazilian popular music |
Finding a way home : a critical assessment of Walter Mosley's fiction |
Computer evidence : collection & preservation {1st ed.} |
Fight choreography : the art of non-verbal dialogue |
tour book : how to get your music on the road |
Picture yourself playing violin : step-by-step instruction for proper fingering and bowing techniques, reading sheet music, and more |
Adobe Photoshop forensics : sleuths, truths, and fauxtography |
Just enough C/C++ programming |
Electrify my soul : songwriters and the spiritual source |
Picture yourself learning American Sign Language, level 1 |
Web comics for teens |
Your Cubase studio |
musician's legal companion {2nd ed.} |
Artists on recording techniques |
Building a successful 21st century music career |
Picture yourself learning Microsoft Office 2007 |
MySpace for musicians |
Microsoft Excel VBA programming for the absolute beginner {3rd ed.} |
Aristotle and beyond : essays on metaphysics and ethics |
agri-environment |
Psychological aspects of cyberspace : theory, research, applications |
Adolescent emotional development and the emergence of depressive disorders |
Ottoman road to war in 1914 : the Ottoman Empire and the First World War {Cambridge military histories} |
Politics, gender, and concepts : theory and methodology |
Beyond totalitarianism : Stalinism and Nazism compared |
Mass migration under sail : European immigration to the antebellum United States |
Modern and postmodern social theorizing : bridging the divide |
Climate, affluence, and culture {Culture and psychology} |
human right to a green future : environmental rights and intergenerational justice |
Quaker constitutionalism and the political thought of John Dickinson |
Inventing modern adolescence : the children of immigrants in turn-of-the-century America {Rutgers series in childhood studies} |
Second star to the right : Peter Pan in the popular imagination |
Matters of choice : Puerto Rican women's struggle for reproductive freedom |
Throwing sheep in the boardroom : how online social networking will transform your life, work and world |
Queens & power in medieval and early modern England |
Yellowstone autumn : a season of discovery in a wondrous land {American lives} |
road to martyrs' square : a journey into the world of the suicide bomber |
development of persistent criminality |
Prescriptions for the mind : a critical view of contemporary psychiatry |
British cinema of the 1950s : the decline of deference |
Oxford Bible commentary |
Brainwashing : the science of thought control |
fine brush on ivory : an appreciation of Jane Austen |
guitar and its music : from the Renaissance to the classical era {Early music series (London, England : 1976)} |
Intellectual virtue : perspectives from ethics and epistemology |
structural account of mathematics |
Pronouns {Oxford studies in typology and linguistic theory} |
Global justice : a cosmopolitan account |
Progressives, pluralists, and the problems of the state : ideologies of reform in the United States and Britain, 1909-1926 |
Citizenship : a very short introduction {Very short introductions} |
Blessed days of anaesthesia : how anaesthetics changed the world |
Federalist papers {Oxford world's classics} |
music teaching artist's bible : becoming a virtuoso educator |
Daodejing {Oxford world's classics} |
Organizing words : a critical thesaurus for social and organization studies |
Documents of Native American political development : 1500s to 1933 |
John Milton : life, work, and thought |
good non retirement guide 2009 : everything you need to know about health, property, investment, leisure, work, pensions and tax {23rd ed.} |
Effective business writing {Creating success} |
equal opportunities handbook : how to recognise diversity, encourage fairness and promote anti-discriminatory practice {Rev. 4th ed.} |
How to pass the QTS numeracy skills test : essential mental and general arithmetic and statistics practice for the qualified teacher status skills test |
PowerPoint detox : reinvent your slides and add power to your presentation |
McGraw Hill's SAT subject test. Math Level 1 {2nd ed.} |
OCP Oracle database 11g : administration II exam guide (exam 1Z0-053) |
Mcgraw-Hill's conquering GMAT math {[2nd ed.].} |
McGraw-Hill's SAT subject test : literature |
HVAC troubleshooting guide |
economics of hate |
first time effect : the impact of study abroad on college student intellectual development |
Death in the classroom : writing about love and loss |
Caribbean genesis : Jamaica Kincaid and the writing of new worlds |
Forgetful memory : representation and remembrance in the wake of the Holocaust |
Ecology and popular film : cinema on the edge {SUNY series, horizons of cinema} |
Who speaks for Hispanics? : Hispanic interest groups in Washington |
Waging humanitarian war : the ethics, law, and politics of humanitarian intervention |
Collections of nothing |
specter of Salem : remembering the witch trials in nineteenth-century America |
Tricks of the light : new and selected poems |
Blessings for the hands {Phoenix poets} |
Physical biochemistry : principles and applications {2nd ed.} |
Diabetes in hospital : a practical approach for all healthcare professionals |
Swanton's cardiology : a concise guide to clinical practice {6th ed.} |
future of animal farming : renewing the ancient contract |
Symptoms in the pharmacy : a guide to the management of common illness {6th ed.} |
Internal investigations : a basic guide anyone can use |
Plant anatomy : an applied approach |
Ecology of insects : concepts and applications |
Philosophical tales : being an alternative history revealing the characters, the plots, and the hidden scenes that make up the True Story of Philosophy |
Rutter's child and adolescent psychiatry {5th ed.} |
guide to teaching introductory psychology {Teaching psychological science ; 22} |
Oils and fats in the food industry {Food industry briefing series} |
Introduction to paleobiology and the fossil record |
Shakespeare's ideas : more things in heaven and earth {Blackwell great minds ; 7.7} |
Early human kinship : from sex to social reproduction |
handbook of children, media, and development {Handbooks in communication and media} |
Medical disorders in pregnancy : a manual for midwives |
Clinical dermatology {4th ed.} |
Biofuels {Wiley series in renewable resources} |
Photochemistry of organic compounds : from concepts to practice {Postgraduate chemistry series} |
Language of the Earth : [a literary anthology] {2nd ed.} |
Bacteriology of humans : an ecological perspective |
Control of pests and weeds by natural enemies : an introduction to biological control {1st ed.} |
Pediatric cardiology : the essential pocket guide |
Evidence-based emergency care : diagnostic testing and clinical decision rules |
Principles of clinical gastroenterology |
Environmental microbiology : from genomes to biogeochemistry |
Statistics for terrified biologists |
Anatomy of the heart by multislice computed tomography |
Biophysical chemistry |
Deserts and desert environments {Environmental systems and global change series ; 22} |
Running an agile software development project |
Designing online learning with Flash {Pfeiffer essential resources for training and HR professionals} |
Supervision in the hospitality industry : leading human resources {6th ed.} |
Aging families and caregiving {Wiley series in clinical geropsychology} |
Effective donor relations {AFP/Wiley fund development series} |
Kalman filtering : theory and practice using MATLAB {3rd ed.} |
Mushrooms as functional foods |
Babyfacts : the truth about your child's health from newborn through preschool |
Conspiracy theories & secret societies for dummies |
Deadline fitness : tone up and slim down when every minute counts |
battle for Wall Street : behind the Lines in the struggle that pushed an industry into turmoil |
Professional Microsoft SQL server 2008 reporting services {Wrox professional guides} |
Beginning Microsoft SQL server 2008 programming {Wrox beginning guides} |
Beginning T-SQL with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008 {Programmer to programmer} |
Oracle 11g for dummies {--For dummies} |
Professional Microsoft SharePoint designer 2007 {Wrox professional guides} |
Quilting {Visual quick tips} |
Grant writing for dummies {--For dummies; 3rd ed.} |
MacBook portable genius |
MCITP Windows server 2008 enterprise administrator : study guide |
Teach yourself visually Photoshop CS4 {Teach yourself visually} |
How to castrate a bull : unexpected lessons on risk, growth, and success in business {1st ed.} |
Introducing Maya 2009 |
Reading financial reports for dummies {--For dummies; 2nd ed.} |
Adobe Acrobat 9 PDF bible |
Building web sites all-in-one for dummies {--For dummies; 2nd ed.} |
Pregnancy for dummies {--For dummies; 3rd ed.} |
Beginning Oracle Application express {Wrox beginning guides} |
Adobe AIR for dummies {--For dummies} |
Green business practices for dummies {--For dummies} |
Socially responsible investing for dummies {--For dummies} |
Core strength for dummies {--For dummies} |
Water treatment plant performance evaluations and operations |
Food regulation : law, science, policy, and practice |
Expert fraud investigation : a step-by-step guide |
Identity theft handbook : detection, prevention, and security |
Drug metabolism handbook : concepts and applications |
Not everyone gets a trophy : how to manage Generation Y {1st ed.} |
eBay all-in-one business for dummies {--For dummies; 2nd ed.} |
Stock investing for dummies {--For dummies; 3rd ed.} |
Marketing kit for dummies {--For dummies; 3rd ed.} |
Mastering Microsoft Exchange server 2007 SP1 {Serious skills} |
Contagion : the financial epidemic that is sweeping the global economy-- and how to protect yourself from it |
Best of 2600 : a hacker odyssey, collector's edition |
Teaching and learning proof across the grades : a K-16 perspective {Studies in mathematical thinking and learning} |
city in American political development |
Theology, creation, and environmental ethics : from creatio ex nihilo to terra nullius {Routledge studies in religion ; 12.12} |
Improving primary mathematics : linking home and school {TLRP improving practice series} |
Production management for television {Media skills} |
Magill's survey of world literature {Rev. ed.} |
nineties in America |
Residential treatment of adolescents : integrative principles and practices |
Discovering your couple sexual style : sharing desire, pleasure, and satisfaction |
Progressive community organizing : a critical approach for a globalizing world |
Food and nutrients in disease management |
Adequate food for all : culture, science, and technology of food in the 21st century |
Land use scenarios : environmental consequences of development {Integrative studies in water management and land development} |
Environmental assessment of estuarine ecosystems : a case study {Environmental and ecological risk assessment series} |
Criminal investigative failures |
Human and nonhuman bone identification : a color atlas |
Jihadists and weapons of mass destruction |
use of forensic anthropology {2nd ed.} |
Kidnap for ransom : resolving the unthinkable |
Urban crime prevention, surveillance, and restorative justice : effects of social technologies |
Data mining for design and marketing {Chapman & Hall/CRC data mining and knowledge discovery series} |
Understanding culture : theory, research, and application |
Handbook of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination |
Moulin Rouge and Black rights in Las Vegas : a history of the first racially integrated hotel-casino |
Pistols, politics and the press : dueling in 19th century American journalism |
Warfare and armed conflicts : a statistical encyclopedia of casualty and other figures, 1494-2007 {3rd ed.} |
This day in network radio : a daily calendar of births, deaths, debuts, cancellations and other events in broadcasting history |
Unprotected : Palestinians in Egypt since 1948 |
Saint Michael the Archangel in medieval English legend |
Not so plain as Black and White : Afro-German culture and history, 1890-2000 {Rochester studies in African history and the diaspora ; v. 19.v. 19} |
Schubert in the European imagination. Volume 1, The romantic and Victorian eras {Eastman studies in music, 1071-9989 ; [v. 40][v. 40]} |
Ruth Crawford Seeger's worlds : innovation and tradition in twentieth-century American music {Eastman studies in music, 1071-9989 ; [v. 41][v. 41]} |
Musicking Shakespeare : a conflict of theatres {Eastman studies in music ; [v. 45][v. 45]} |
Understanding purpose : Kant and the philosophy of biology {North American Kant Society studies in philosophy ; vol. 8.vol. 8} |
From the boardroom to the war room : America's corporate liberals and FDR's preparedness program |
Emerging voices : experiences of underrepresented Asian Americans |
animated bestiary : animals, cartoons, and culture |
Artifacts of loss : crafting survival in Japanese American concentration camps |
American cinema, 1890-1909 : themes and variations {Screen decades} |
Crimes of power & states of impunity : the U.S. response to terror {Critical issues in crime and society} |
Datapedia of the United States : American history in numbers {4th ed.} |
new leadership challenge : creating the future of nursing {3rd ed.} |
Beginning programming all-in-one desk reference for dummies {--For dummies} |
Webster's new world medical dictionary {3rd ed., fully rev. and updated.} |
Organic Chemistry I workbook for dummies {--For dummies} |
Linux all-in-one desk reference for dummies {3rd ed.} |
Existentialism for dummies |
Laptops for dummies {3rd ed.} |
Vmware infrastructure 3 for dummies |
CliffsNotes Praxis II : middle school mathematics test (0069) test prep |
Medical terminology for dummies {--For dummies} |
Basic math & pre-algebra workbook for dummies {--For dummies} |
Harmonica for dummies {--For dummies} |
power presenter : technique, style, and strategy from America's top speaking coach |
SugarCRM for dummies {For dummies} |
Piano exercises for dummies {--For dummies} |
QuickBooks 2009 all-in-one for dummies {--For dummies} |
Asus Eee PC for dummies {--For dummies} |
Simply effective cognitive behaviour therapy : a practitioner's guide |
Edwin and John : a personal history of the American South |
Human blood plasma proteins : structure and function |
savage text : the use and abuse of the bible {Blackwell manifestos} |
Trouble with strangers : a study of ethics |
AHA guidelines and statements handbook |
How to read world literature {How to study literature (Malden, Mass.)} |
Happiness : unlocking the mysteries of psychological wealth |
Religion and the human future : an essay on theological humanism {Blackwell manifestos} |
Teaching critical thinking in psychology : a handbook of best practices |
threat of race : reflections on racial neoliberalism |
guide to teaching statistics : innovations and best practices {Teaching psychological science ; 33} |
changing realities of work and family : a multidisciplinary approach {Claremont applied social psychology series} |
Women at the top : powerful leaders tell us how to combine work and family |
guide to teaching developmental psychology {Teaching psychological science ; 44} |
Natural climate variability and global warming : a Holocene perspective |
Practical gastrointestinal endoscopy : the fundamentals {6th ed.} |
Public health skills : a practical guide for nurses and public health practitioners |
Profound intellectual and multiple disabilities : nursing complex needs |
open secret : a new vision for natural theology |
Pain management : expanding the pharmacological options |
science of compassionate love : theory, research, and applications |
Sheep flock health : a planned approach |
Critical decisions in emergency and acute care electrocardiography |
Sport psychology {Handbook of sports medicine and science} |
Drawing - the purpose |
Digital experience design : ideas, industries, interaction |
Eating disorders : cognitive behaviour therapy with children and young people {CBT with children, adolescents and families} |
Foundations of engineering geology {3rd ed.} |
Race, whiteness, and education {Critical social thought} |
I talked with a zombie : interviews with 23 veterans of horror and sci-fi films and television |
Philosophy, Black film, film noir |
Inside the Soviet alternative universe : the Cold War's end and the Soviet Union's fall reappraised |
Unlocked books : manuscripts of learned magic in the medieval libraries of Central Europe {The magic in history series} |
roots of morality |
Ownership, authority, and self-determination |
world art history and its objects |
High-speed society : social acceleration, power, and modernity |
Savage democracy : institutional change and party development in Mexico |
Advice to war presidents : a remedial course in statecraft |
Beyond the Revolution : a history of American thought from Paine to pragmatism |
man who shocked the world : the life and legacy of Stanley Milgram |
On becoming a leader {20th anniversary ed., rev. and updated.} |
secret history of the war on cancer {Paperback ed.} |
Summer for the gods : the Scopes trial and America's continuing debate over science and religion |
Before the storm : Barry Goldwater and the unmaking of the American consensus |
man who pushed America to war : the extraordinary life, adventures, and obessions of Ahmad Chalabi |
Open : love, sex, and life in an open marriage {2nd ed.} |
Reflections on the crash of 2008 and what it means : an e-book update to The new paradigm for financial markets {1st ed.} |
In the footsteps of the prophet : lessons from the life of Muhammad |
field research survival guide |
story of sexual identity : narrative perspectives on the gay and lesbian life course |
Foundation : b-boys, b-girls, and hip-hop culture in New York |
Race and the politics of solidarity {Transgressing boundaries} |
In search of Jefferson's moose : notes on the state of cyberspace {Law and current events masters} |
Mrs. Dred Scott : a life on slavery's frontier |
Needs assessment {Pocket guides to social work research methods} |
Image bite politics : news and the visual framing of elections {Series in political psychology} |
Evolutionary writings {Oxford world's classics hardbacks} |
biology of deserts {Biology of habitats} |
history of life : a very short introduction {Very short introductions} |
Darwin's lost world : the hidden history of animal life |
making of Mr. Gray's anatomy |
Drug-drug interactions in pharmaceutical development {Wiley series in drug discovery and development} |
Managing and leading software projects |
Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 in C# and VB {Wrox beginning guides} |
GIS for dummies {--For dummies} |
Dreamweaver CS4 for dummies {--For dummies} |
Content nation : surviving and thriving as social media changes our work, our lives, and our future |
Figure drawing for dummies |
ASP.NET 3.5 enterprise application development with Visual studio 2008 : problem, design, solution {Wrox problem--design--solution} |
WordPress for dummies {--For dummies; 2nd ed.} |
Retire secure! : pay taxes later : the key to making your money last {2nd ed.} |
Paper engineering & pop-ups for dummies {--For dummies} |
Sustainable landscaping for dummies {--For dummies} |
Bike repair & maintenance for dummies {--For dummies} |
NASCAR for dummies {NASCAR library collection; 3rd ed.} |
Pinoy capital : the Filipino nation in Daly City {Asian American history and culture} |
Legacy and legitimacy : black Americans and the Supreme Court |
moral military {Rev. and expanded ed.} |
Muhammad Ali : the making of an icon {Sporting} |
delinquent girl |
Americanization of social science : intellectuals and public responsibility in the postwar United States |
forest and the trees : sociology as life, practice, and promise {Rev. and expanded ed.} |
Technological turf wars : a case study of the computer antivirus industry |
Soccer in a football world : the story of America's forgotten game {Sporting (Philadelphia, Pa.)} |
Mental health aspects of women's reproductive health : a global review of the literature |
Emergency triage assessment and treatment (ETAT) : facilitator guide |
Between speaking and silence : a study of quiet students |
Family violence : communication processes {SUNY series in communication studies} |
Cancel your own goddamn subscription : notes & asides from National Review |
white war : life and death on the Italian front, 1915-1919 |
execution of Willie Francis : race, murder, and the search for justice in the American South {1st pbk. ed.} |
character of nations : how politics makes and breaks prosperity, family, and civility {Rev. ed.} |
ego tunnel : the science of the mind and the myth of the self |
Christotainment : selling Jesus through popular culture |
Race, place, and environmental justice after Hurricane Katrina : struggles to reclaim, rebuild, and revitalize New Orleans and the Gulf Coast |
Hate crimes and ethnoviolence : the history, current affairs, and future of discrimination in America : essays |
When the piano stops : a memoir of healing from sexual abuse |
family ranch : land, children, and tradition in the American West |
Fundamentals of collection development and management {2nd ed.} |
Creating the customer-driven academic library |
Public libraries and internet service roles : measuring and maximizing Internet services |
Virtual reference best practices : tailoring services to your library |
Reading is funny! : motivating kids to read with riddles |
small public library survival guide : thriving on less |
Newbery and Caldecott awards : a guide to the medal and honor books {2008 ed.} |
Connecting boys with books 2 : closing the reading gap |
Reid's read-alouds : selections for children and teens |
Protecting intellectual freedom in your academic library : scenarios from the front lines {Intellectual freedom front lines} |
Protecting intellectual freedom in your school library : scenarios from the front lines {Intellectual freedom front lines} |
Privacy and confidentiality issues : a guide for libraries and their lawyers |
Helping homeschoolers in the library |
Research-based readers' advisory {ALA readers' advisory series} |
Occupational therapy and life course development : a workbook for professional practice |
Distributed systems security : issues, processes, and solutions |
Puzzle films : complex storytelling in contemporary cinema |
Culture and mental health : sociocultural influences, theory, and practice |
beginner's guide to Nietzsche's Beyond good and evil {1st ed.} |
Basic elements of narrative |
Is God a delusion? : a reply to religion's cultured despisers |
Blackwell guide to Hegel's Phenomenology of spirit {Blackwell guides to great works ; 6.6} |
Mill {Blackwell great minds ; 10.10} |
Josie Underwood's Civil War diary |
Madeline McDowell Breckinridge and the battle for a new South {Topics in Kentucky history} |
American prophecy : race and redemption in American political culture |
disciplinary frame : photographic truths and the capture of meaning |
Feminist art and the maternal |
Moorings : Portuguese expansion and the writing of Africa |
Digitize this book! : the politics of new media, or why we need open access now {Electronic mediations ; v. 24.v. 24} |
devil notebooks |
Amalgamation schemes : antiblackness and the critique of multiracialism |
Somali diaspora : a journey away |
Conspiracy theories : secrecy and power in American culture {Rev. and updated ed.} |
Are girls necessary? : lesbian writing and modern histories {1st University of Minnesota Press ed.} |
Bad for democracy : how the Presidency undermines the power of the people |
Doorstep democracy : face-to-face politics in the heartland |
Sherwood Anderson Volume 1 / : a writer in America |
Dancing from past to present : nation, culture, identities {Studies in dance history (Unnumbered)} |
Handbook of water and wastewater treatment plant operations {2nd ed.} |
War on Terrorism : a collision of values, strategies, and societies |
Death scene investigation : a field guide |
method framework for engineering system architectures |
introduction to biomedical science in professional and clinical practice {1st ed.} |
Knowledge of God {Great debates in philosophy} |
Raising kids in the 21st century : the science of psychological health for children {1st ed.} |
Optimizing teaching and learning : practicing pedagogical research |
Family matters : the importance of mattering to family in adolescence {1st ed.} |
Arabic phrases for dummies {--For dummies} |
Adobe Flex 3.0 for dummies {--For dummies} |
Internet simplified {Visual read less, learn more} |
PCs just the steps for dummies {--For dummies; 2nd ed.} |
Data warehousing for dummies {--For dummies; 2nd ed.} |
Divorce for dummies {--For dummies; 3rd ed.} |
2008 county and city extra : annual metro, city, and county data book {16th ed.} |
Handbook of U.S. labor statistics : employment, earning, prices, productivity, and other labor data {Bernan Press U.S. databook series; 12th ed., 2009} |
Bring me my machine gun : the battle for the soul of South Africa from Mandela to Zuma {1st ed.} |
Allergy-free cooking : how to avoid the eight major food allergens and eat happily ever after {Updated & expanded.} |
Excellence in information integrity |
Pediatric surgery {Vademecum; 2nd ed.} |
Managing long-term conditions and chronic illness in primary care : a guide to good practice |
Improving learning in college : rethinking literacies across the curriculum {Improving learning TLRP} |
basic writings of Bertrand Russell {Routledge classics} |
outline of philosophy {Routledge classics} |
Bertrand Russell's best {Routledge classics} |
Unpopular essays {Routledge classics} |
ABC of relativity {Routledge classics} |
Human knowledge : its scope and limits {Routledge classics} |
Philosophical essays {Routledge classics} |
scientific outlook {Routledge classics} |
Essential acting : a practical handbook for actors, teachers and directors |
Marriage and morals {Routledge classics} |
Depression : cognitive behaviour therapy with children and young people {CBT with children, adolescents and families} |
Greece in the making, 1200-479 BC {Routledge history of the ancient world; 2nd ed.} |
mass media and Latino politics : studies of U.S. media content, campaign strategies and survey research : 1984-2004 {LEA's communication series} |
Communication perspectives on HIV/AIDS for the 21st century {LEA's communication series} |
children's television community {LEA's communication series} |
Sex differences and similarities in communication {LEA's communication series; 2nd ed.} |
Medical notes : clinical medicine pocket guide {[2nd ed.]} |
Client management and leadership success : a course review applying critical thinking skills to test taking {Davis's success series} |
Deployment experiences of Guard and Reserve families : implications for support and retention |
Unfolding the future of the long war : motivations, prospects, and implications for the U.S. Army |
Military enlistment of Hispanic youth : obstacles and opportunities {Rand Corporation monograph series} |
Reparable harm : assessing and addressing disparities faced by boys and men of color in California : executive summary |
Reparable harm : assessing and addressing disparities faced by boys and men of color in California |
Understanding Iran {Rand Corporation monograph series} |
Radical Islam in East Africa |
lessons of Mumbai {Occasional paper (Rand Corporation) ; OP-249-RC.OP-249-RC} |
Assessing the validity of the Qualistar early learning quality rating and improvement system as a tool for improving child-care quality {Rand Corporation monograph series} |
Planning for diversity : options and recommendations for DoD leaders |
Malay-Muslim insurgency in southern Thailand : understanding the conflict's evolving dynamic {Occasional paper (Rand Corporation) ; OP-198-OSD.5.OP-198-OSD} |
Doctrine of eternal recurrence : the U.S. military and counterinsurgency doctrine, 1960-1970 and 2003-2006 {Occasional paper (Rand Corporation) ; OP-200-OSD.6.OP-200-OSD} |
Breaking the failed-state cycle {Occasional paper (Rand Corporation) ; OP-204-HLTH/NDRI/A/AF.OP-204-HLTH/NDRI/A/AF} |
Pain and gain : implementing No Child Left Behind in three states, 2004-2006 |
More freedom, less terror? : liberalization and political violence in the Arab world |
After Saddam : prewar planning and the occupation of Iraq |
Cultivating demand for the arts : arts learning, arts engagement, and state arts policy {Rand Corporation monograph series} |
Deterrence : from Cold War to long war : lessons from six decades of Rand deterrence research |
Dangerous thresholds : managing escalation in the 21st century {Rand Corporation monograph series} |
In their own words : voices of Jihad : compilation and commentary {Rand Corporation monograph series} |
field guide to the information commons |
Observing weather and climate from the ground up : a nationwide network of networks |
Launching science : science opportunitites provided by NASA's constellation system |
State of the USA health indicators : letter report |
New directions in climate change vulnerability, impacts, and adaptation assessment : summary of a workshop |
Atlas of African-American history {Facts on File library of American history; Rev. ed.} |
Ferguson career coach : managing your career in the art industry {Ferguson career coach series} |
Ferguson career coach : managing your career in the computer industry {Ferguson career coach series} |
encyclopedia of mental health {Facts on File library of health and living; 3rd ed.} |
Disaster response {Library in a book} |
American boundaries : the nation, the states, the rectangular survey |
Art market and connoisseurship : a closer look at paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens and their contemporaries {Amsterdam studies in the Dutch golden age} |
365 ways to raise confident kids : activities that build self-esteem, develop character and encourage imagination |
complete slow cooker cookbook : essential recipes for hearty and delicious crockery meals, menus, and more |
Extraordinary comebacks : 201 inspiring stories of courage, triumph, and success |
Hamlet {Sourcebooks Shakespeare} |
Lincoln's wrath : fierce mobs, brilliant scoundrels and a president's mission to destroy the press |
Urban design |
American families in crisis : a reference handbook {Contemporary world issues} |
Climate change : a reference handbook {Contemporary world issues} |
Art and the end of apartheid |
Introduction to health physics {4th ed.} |
First Aid Q&A for the USMLE Step 1 {2nd ed.} |
Golfing with your eyes closed : mastering visualization techniques for exceptional golf |
One-on-one baseball : fundamentals made simple for players and coaches |
Limits of the human {Mechademia ; 3.3} |
Observing America : the commentary of British visitors to the United States, 1890-1950 {Studies in American thought and culture} |
Meaning in suffering : caring practices in the health professions {Interpretive studies in healthcare and the human sciences ; v. 6v. 6} |
In a pickle : a family farm story |
Ireland's New Worlds : immigrants, politics, and society in the United States and Australia, 1815-1922 {History of Ireland and the Irish diaspora} |
Women's work : making dance in Europe before 1800 {Studies in dance history (Unnumbered)} |
Writing desire : sixty years of gay autobiography {Wisconsin studies in autobiography} |
Bohemian body : gender and sexuality in modern Czech culture |
4 weeks to healthy digestion : a Harvard doctor's proven plan for reducing symptoms of diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, and more |
post-traumatic stress disorder sourcebook : a guide to healing, recovery, and growth {2nd ed.} |
How to do everything. Microsoft Expression Web 2 {How to do everything with--} |
Mathematica demystified {McGraw-Hill "Demystified" series} |
Virtualization : a beginner's guide {Network professional's library} |
How to do everything. Adobe Illustrator CS4 {How to do everything with--} |
Philosophy in a new century : selected essays |
Morality and political violence |
southern sky guide {3rd ed.} |
Changing relations : achieving intimacy in a time of social transition {Advances in personal relationships (Cambridge, England)} |
Cambridge introduction to the nineteenth-century American novel {Cambridge introductions to literature} |
Common law theory {Cambridge studies in philosophy and law} |
Aristotle's De anima |
Human evolution and Christian ethics {New studies in Christian ethics ; 28.28} |
introduction to feng shui |
names of plants {4th ed.} |
introduction to continuum mechanics : with applications |
One language, two grammars? : differences between British and American English {Studies in English language} |
Just health : meeting health needs fairly |
Confronting cyber-bullying : what schools need to know to control misconduct and avoid legal consequences |
Artificial dreams : the quest for non-biological intelligence |
Animal experimentation : a guide to the issues {2nd ed.} |
normal personality : a new way of thinking about people |
Therapy after terror : 9/11, psychotherapists, and mental health |
When is separate unequal? : a disability perspective {Disability, law and policy series} |
Emergencies and the limits of legality |
James Madison and the spirit of republican self-government |
Multiagent systems : algorithmic, game-theoretic, and logical foundations |
All-stars for all time : a sabermetric ranking of the major league best, 1876-2007 |
origins and role of same-sex relations in human societies |
Western film series of the sound era |
Gothic kings of Britain : the lives of 31 medieval rulers, 1016-1399 |
Understanding depression {2nd ed.} |
silent cinema in song, 1896-1929 : an illustrated history and catalog of songs inspired by the movies and stars, with a list of recordings |
Sex, brains, and video games : a librarian's guide to teens in the twenty-first century |
Designing a school library media center for the future {2nd ed.} |
Children's jukebox : the select subject guide to children's musical recordings {2nd ed.} |
Preschool favorites : 35 storytimes kids love |
academic library and the net gen student : making the connections |
readers' advisory guide to nonfiction {ALA readers' advisory series} |
Managing facilities for results : optimizing space for services {PLA results series} |
whole digital library handbook |
Out front with Stephen Abram : a guide for information leaders |
Analyzing library collection use with Excel |
Vietnam at war |
last Indian war : the Nez Perce story {Pivotal moments in American history} |
people at war : civilians and soldiers in America's Civil War, 1854-1877 |
woman who decided to die : challenges and choices at the edges of medicine |
South Africa in world history {New Oxford world history} |
Emotions in child psychotherapy : an integrative framework |
accidental guerrilla : fighting small wars in the midst of a big one |
Family-based treatment for young children with OCD : therapist guide {Programs that work} |
biology of coastal sand dunes |
Evolutionary conservation genetics {Oxford biology} |
comparative study of electoral systems |
Remembering our childhood : how memory betrays us |
science of golf |
Scotland : a very short introduction {Very short introductions} |
harvest of a century : discoveries of modern physics in 100 episodes |
Big questions in ecology and evolution |
Darwinian populations and natural selection |
believing primate : scientific, philosophical, and theological reflections on the origin of religion |
Hitler's stormtroopers and the attack on the German Republic, 1919-1933 |
timberclads in the Civil War : the Lexington, Conestoga, and Tyler on the western waters |
companion to Mexican studies {Coleccio큡 Ta큟esis. Serie A, Monografi큑s ; 230.230} |
Old English poetics : the aesthetics of the familiar in Anglo-Saxon England |
other friars : the Carmelite, Augustinian, Sack and Pied friars in the Middle Ages {Monastic orders} |
Perceval : the story of the Grail {New ed.} |
poetry of Salvador Espriu : to save the words {Coleccio큡 Ta큟esis. Serie A, Monografi큑s ; 228.228} |
William Alwyn : the art of film music |
Forts of the United States : an historical dictionary, 16th through 19th centuries |
final arc of sky : a memoir of critical care |
Until it hurts : America's obsession with youth sports and how it harms our kids |
lonely soldier : the private war of women serving in Iraq |
Routledge philosophy guidebook to Aristotle and the Politics {Routledge philosophy guidebooks} |
Media choice : a theoretical and empirical overview |
Cities, citizens, and technologies : urban life and postmodernity {Routledge research in cultural and media studies ; 22.22} |
laws that shaped America : fifteen acts of Congress and their lasting impact |
Understanding consciousness {2nd ed.} |
Learning to belong : exploring young children's participation at the start of school |
Fundamental concepts of children's literature research : literary and sociological approaches {Children's literature and culture} |
Controversy in the classroom : the democratic power of discussion {Critical social thought} |
Traveller, nomadic, and migrant education {Routledge research in education ; 24.24} |
Understanding video games : the essential introduction |
Crafting the witch : gendering magic in medieval and early modern England {Studies in medieval history and culture} |
Science education from people for people : taking a stand(point) |
Routledge companion to science fiction |
Joseph Conrad's Heart of darkness {Routledge guides to literature} |
When giants fall : an economic roadmap for the end of the American era |
Puppy love |
Leveraging Drupal : getting your site done right {Wrox guides} |
Getting started in consulting {3rd ed., completely updated.} |
social network business plan : 18 strategies that will create great wealth |
structural evolution of morality |
Clinical and diagnostic virology {Cambridge clinical guides} |
Proactive support of labor : the challenge of normal childbirth |
Form and function in developmental evolution {Cambridge studies in philosophy and biology} |
Cambridge double star atlas |
Rejecting rights {Contemporary political theory} |
Back to life, back to normality : cognitive therapy, recovery and psychosis |
Handbook of practical logic and automated reasoning |
Bound-for-college guidebook : a step-by-step guide to finding and applying to colleges |
Learning not schooling : reimagining the purpose of education |
struggle for identity in today's schools : cultural recognition in a time of increasing diversity |
Race the rising sun : a Chinese university's exodus during the second world war |
Scottsboro : a tragedy of the American South {Rev. ed. with a new introduction.} |
Conjure in African American society {Louisiana paperback ed.} |
Texas terror : the slave insurrection panic of 1860 and the secession of the lower South {Conflicting worlds} |
Fenians, freedmen, and southern Whites : race and nationality in the era of Reconstruction {Conflicting worlds} |
Calvinist humor in American literature |
Emmett Till in literary memory and imagination {Southern literary studies} |
Race, theft, and ethics : property matters in African American literature {Southern literary studies} |
Bleeding borders : race, gender, and violence in pre-Civil War Kansas {Conflicting worlds} |
Second Amendment : the intent and its interpretation by the states and the Supreme Court |
library student advisory board : why your academic library needs it and how to make it work |
American women leaders : 1,560 current biographies |
La Fontaine's complete tales in verse : an illustrated and annotated translation |
Engaging the community in decision making : case studies tracking participation, voice and influence |
Hitler Youth, 1922-1945 : an illustrated history |
Film stars and their awards : who won what for movies, theater and television |
Musical groups in the movies, 1929-1970 |
Encyclopedia of abortion in the United States {2nd ed.} |
regulation of boxing : a history and comparative analysis of policies among American states |
Film actors organize : union formation efforts in America, 1912-1937 |
Bram Stoker's notes for Dracula {Facsim. ed.} |
Jack Hill : the exploitation and blaxploitation master, film by film |
Outlines of the philosophy of right {Oxford world's classics} |
Timaeus and Critias {Oxford world's classics} |
critical nexus : tone-system, mode, and notation in early medieval music {AMS studies in music} |
Southeast Asia in world history {The new Oxford world history} |
Managing bipolar disorder : a cognitive-behavioral approach : workbook {Treatments that work} |
Enhancing sexuality : a problem-solving approach to treating dysfunction : workbook {Treatments that work; 2nd ed.} |
Overcoming alcohol problems : workbook for couples {Treatments that work} |
When children don't sleep well : interventions for pediatric sleep disorders : parent workbook {Programs that work} |
Critical thinking for helping professionals : a skills-based workbook {3rd ed.} |
Managing Tourette syndrome Adult workbook / : a behavioral intervention {Treatments that work} |
Coping with the seasons : a cognitive-behavioral approach to seasonal affective disorder : workbook {Treatments that work} |
Coping with breast cancer : workbook for couples {Treatments that work} |
Overcoming insomnia : a cognitive-behavioral therapy approach : workbook {Treatments that work} |
Stripping Gypsy : the life of Gypsy Rose Lee |
True to our feelings : what our emotions are really telling us |
complete Aeschylus. Volume II, Persians and other plays {Greek tragedy in new translations} |
Family-based treatment for young children with OCD : workbook {Programs that work} |
Going to extremes : how like minds unite and divide |
Children and pollution : why scientists disagree |
Persians and other plays |
Emerging intersections : race, class, and gender in theory, policy, and practice |
Doctors of deception : what they don't want you to know about shock treatment |
American cinema of the 1910s : themes and variations {Screen decades} |
Green planet : how plants keep the Earth alive |
In the shadow of the giant : the Americanization of modern Mexico |
Children and childhood in American religions {Rutgers series in childhood studies} |
mosquito crusades : a history of the American anti-mosquito movement from the Reed Commission to the first Earth Day {Studies in modern science, technology, and the environment} |
complete field guide to stick and leaf insects of Australia |
Boom & bust : bird stories for a dry country |
Plankton : a guide to their ecology and monitoring for water quality |
Plant names : a guide to botanical nomenclature {3rd ed.} |
Smart green : how to implement sustainable business practices in any industry and make money |
Schneier on security |
Grilling for dummies {2nd ed.} |
Human-computer interaction. Design issues, solutions, and applications {Human factors and ergonomics} |
Human-computer interaction. Designing for diverse users and domains {Human factors and ergonomics} |
Human-computer interaction. Development process {Human factors and ergonomics} |
Human-computer interaction. Fundamentals {Human factors and ergonomics} |
Nevada's environmental legacy : progress or plunder {Wilbur S. Shepperson series in Nevada history} |
California wine for dummies |
Pretty pet-friendly : easy ways to keep Spot's digs stylish & spotless |
Bonding with your dog : a trainer's secrets for building a better relationship |
MobileMe for small business : portable genius {Portable genius} |
Ghostlife of third cinema : Asian American film and video |
If creation is a gift {SUNY series in theology and continental thought} |
Archaic societies : diversity and complexity across the midcontinent |
Breaking into the all-male club : female professors of educational administration {SUNY series in women in education} |
Three documentary filmmakers : Errol Morris, Ross McElwee, Jean Rouch {SUNY series, horizons of cinema} |
Universal preschool : policy change, stability, and the Pew Charitable Trusts {SUNY series in public policy} |
rising state : how state power is transforming our nation's schools |
California in a time of excellence : school reform at the crossroads of the American dream |
Toward a political philosophy of race {SUNY series, philosophy and race} |
Employment issues and multiple sclerosis {2nd ed.} |
Medical management of adults with neurologic disabilities |
Making the connection between brain and behavior : coping with Parkinson's disease |
Life on wheels : the A to Z guide to living fully with mobility issues {2nd ed.} |
Stronger after stroke : your roadmap to recovery |
South Asian cultures of the bomb : atomic publics and the state in India and Pakistan |
States of exile : visions of diaspora, witness, and return |
Send forth your light : a vision for peace, mission, and worship |
Neglected voices : peace in the Old Testament |
Charting corporate corruption : agency, structure and escalation |
Databases : a beginner's guide |
Medical microbiology : the big picture |
Thermodynamics demystified {Demystified series} |
UK parliament {Politics study guides} |
Love in condition yellow : a memoir of an unlikely marriage |
Davis's comprehensive handbook of laboratory and diagnostic tests : with nursing implications {3rd ed.} |
Davis's pocket clinical drug reference |
Clinical coach for effective perioperative nursing care |
Reasoning together : a conversation on homosexuality |
Bhagavad Gita {SUNY series in cultural perspectives; 25th anniversary ed.} |
Commodore : the life of Cornelius Vanderbilt |
George Washington on leadership |
Masters of sex : the life and times of William Masters and Virginia Johnson, the couple who taught America how to love |
Summits : six meetings that shaped the twentieth century |
enemy at the gate : Habsburgs, Ottomans and the battle for Europe |
man who found time : James Hutton and the discovery of the earth's antiquity |
secret lives of boys : inside the raw emotional world of male teens |
vanishing face of gaia : a final warning |
Sex on stage : gender and sexuality in post-war British theatre |
Harm and offence in media content : a review of the evidence {Rev. and updated 2nd ed.} |
Modes of spectating |
Inspiring writing in art and design : taking a line for a write |
craft of research {Chicago guides to writing, editing, and publishing; 3rd ed.} |
Doing time together : love and family in the shadow of the prison |
Scorsese by Ebert |
Free expression and democracy in America : a history |
Sacred attunement : a Jewish theology |
Three steps to the universe : from the sun to black holes to the mystery of dark matter |
Concentration camps on the home front : Japanese Americans in the house of Jim Crow |
masculine self in late medieval England |
Chasing science at sea : racing hurricanes, stalking sharks, and living undersea with ocean experts |
indiscrete image : infinitude & creation of the human {Religion and postmodernism} |
Genomes and what to make of them |
Civic war & the corruption of the citizen |
Ancient Mesopotamia at the dawn of civilization : the evolution of an urban landscape |
Getting it published : a guide for scholars and anyone else serious about serious books {Chicago guides to writing, editing, and publishing; 2nd ed.} |
Borrowed knowledge : chaos theory and the challenge of learning across disciplines |
CompTIA Network+ certification study guide {4th ed.} |
Where the fish are : an angler's guide to fish behavior |
How to instantly connect with anyone : 96 all-new little tricks for big success in relationships {1st ed.} |
Trigonometry : with calculator-based solutions {Schaum's outline series; 4th ed.} |
Style on a shoestring |
brief history of Ireland |
Living with eating disorders {Teen's guides} |
Arts and entertainment : [an all-in-one guide to navigating toward a new career] {Field guides to finding a new career series} |
Education : [an all-in-one guide to navigating toward a new career] {Field guides to finding a new career series} |
Film and television : [an all-in-one guide to navigating toward a new career] {Field guides to finding a new career series} |
Health care : [an all-in-one guide to navigating toward a new career] {Field guides to finding a new career series} |
British English A to Zed {Facts on File library of language and literature; 3rd ed., rev. and updated} |
Advertising, sales, and marketing : [an all-in-one guide to navigating towards a new career] {Field guides to finding a new career series} |
Food and culinary arts : [an all-in-one guide to navigating toward a new career] {Field guides to finding a new career series; 1st ed.} |
Encyclopedia of world history {Facts on File library of world history} |
no-cry nap solution : guaranteed gentle ways to solve all your naptime problems |
How to make money with YouTube : earn cash market yourself, reach your customers, and grow your business on the world's most popular video-sharing site |
Building bone vitality : a revolutionary diet plan to prevent bone loss and reverse osteoporosis |
blue book of sailing : the 22 keys to sailing mastery |
Vander's renal physiology {7th ed.} |
Current diagnosis & treatment. Nephrology & hypertension |
Obsession : a history |
Same sex, different politics : success and failure in the struggles over gay rights {Chicago studies in American politics} |
Destiny disrupted : a history of the world through Islamic eyes {1st ed.} |
Stage fright : politics and the performing arts in late Imperial Russia |
Five chapters on rhetoric : character, action, things, nothing, and art |
Rewriting womanhood : feminism, subjectivity, and the angel of the house in the Latin American novel, 1887-1903 {Penn State Romance studies} |
pursuit of perfect : how to stop chasing perfection and start living a richer, happier life |
How to do everything Adobe Photoshop CS4 |
Too soon to tell : essays for the end of the computer revolution |
Finding the money : the complete guide to financial aid for students, actors, musicians and artists |
No girls in the clubhouse : the exclusion of women from baseball |
Black politics after the civil rights movement : activity and beliefs in Sacramento, 1970-2000 |
Ford presidency : a history |
Cold War radio : the dangerous history of American broadcasting in Europe, 1950-1989 |
Marine Corps and the State Department : enduring partners in United States foreign policy, 1798-2007 |
Lincoln for president : an underdog's path to the 1860 Republican nomination |
Imaginary cities of gold : the Spanish quest for treasure in North America |
Inside the Spanish-American War : a history based on first-person accounts |
Why David sometimes wins : leadership, organization, and strategy in the California farm worker movement |
GI Bill : a new deal for veterans {Pivotal moments in American history} |
Dillinger's wild ride : the year that made America's public enemy number one |
Beethoven {Master musicians series} |
Meeting Jimmie Rodgers : how America's original roots music hero changed the pop sounds of a century |
Guardians of the revolution : Iran and the world in the age of the Ayatollahs |
How the Beatles destroyed rock 'n' roll : an alternative history of American popular music |
Neuroanatomy : draw it to know it |
Typing politics : the role of blogs in American politics |
Measuring the mind : speed, control, and age |
Freaks of nature : what anomalies tell us about development and evolution |
Tennessee Williams's A streetcar named desire {Bloom's modern critical interpretations; New ed.} |
Encyclopedia of American religious history {Facts on File library of American history; 3rd ed.} |
Atmosphere : a scientific history of air, weather, and climate {Discovering the Earth} |
Crashes and collapses {Facts on File science library} |
encyclopedia of elder care {Facts on File library of health and living} |
Living with alcoholism and drug addiction {Teen's guides} |
Careers in focus. Advertising and marketing {Careers in focus; 2nd ed.} |
Careers in focus. Automotives {Careers in focus} |
Careers in focus. Business managers {Careers in focus; 2nd ed.} |
Careers in focus. Education {3rd ed.} |
Careers in focus. Law {3rd ed.} |
Earth science : a scientific history of the solid Earth {Discovering the Earth} |
Web copy that sells : the revolutionary formula for creating killer copy that grabs their attention and compels them to buy {2nd ed.} |
other kind of smart : simple ways to boost your emotional intelligence for greater personal effectiveness and success |
People styles at work-- and beyond : making bad relationships good and good relationships better {2nd ed.} |
Communications skills for project managers |
Japan : a concise history {4th ed.} |
Cyber racism : white supremacy online and the new attack on civil rights {Perspectives on a multiracial America series} |
To make the earth whole : the art of citizen diplomacy in an age of religious militancy |
Who owns this text? : plagiarism, authorship, and disciplinary cultures |
Excel gurus gone wild |
Global warming : understanding the forecast |
AutoCAD workbook for architects and engineers |
Writing scientific research articles : strategy and steps |
Sedimentology and stratigraphy {2nd ed.} |
new conservation politics : power, organization building, and effectiveness |
introduction to mathematical models in ecology and evolution : time and space {Ecological methods and concepts series; 2nd ed.} |
ABC of transfusion {ABC series; 4th ed.} |
Conservation psychology : understanding and promoting human care for nature |
Anatomy for the MRCS |
Into the hearts of the Amazons : in search of a modern matriarchy |
Data mining with Microsoft SQL server 2008 |
Algorithms for visual design using the Processing language |
Networking self-teaching guide : OSI, TCP/IP, LANs, MANs, WANs, implementation, management, and maintenance |
Assessing the online learner : resources and strategies for faculty {Jossey-Bass guides to online teaching and learning; 1st ed.} |
fifth postulate : how unraveling a two-thousand-year-old mystery unraveled the universe |
knockout workout : 3 winning steps to improve your body and your life |
HTML, XHTML, and CSS : your visual blueprint for designing effective web pages {Visual read less, learn more} |
Professional Silverlight 2 for ASP.NET developers |
C? 2008 : programmer's reference {Wrox programmer's references} |
Expect the best : your guide to healthy eating before, during, and after pregnancy |
Now or never : getting down to the business of saving our American dream |
CompTIA Security+ study guide {Sybex serious skills; 4th ed.} |
Professional ASP.NET 3.5 security, membership, and role management with C# and VB {Wrox professional guides} |
Beginning database design solutions {Wrox beginning guides} |
Ubuntu Linux secrets |
Professional PHP6 {Wrox professional guides} |
Google speaks : secrets of the world's greatest billionaire entrepreneurs, Sergey Brin and Larry Page |
Confessions of a subprime lender : an insider's tale of greed, fraud, and ignorance |
Bricklin on technology |
Corporate resiliency : managing the growing risk of fraud and corruption |
Everyone has the right to my opinion |
Asset allocation for dummies {For dummies} |
SCJP : Sun certified programmer for Java platform, SE6 : study guide {Serious skills} |
Rattiner's review for the CFP certification : examination fast track study guide {3rd ed.} |
Beginning Microsoft SQL server 2008 administration {Wrox beginning guides} |
Essentials of business ethics : creating an organization of high integrity and superior performance {Essentials series} |
Superfoods for dummies |
Microsoft SharePoint 2007 for Office 2007 users {Wrox guides} |
Consumer behavior for dummies {--For dummies} |
Training camp : what the best do better than everyone else : a fable about excellence |
Mac OS X UNIX toolbox : 1000+ commands for Mac OS X power users |
Fundraising when money is tight : a strategic and practical guide to surviving tough times and thriving in the future {1st ed.} |
How to read a financial report : wringing vital signs out of the numbers {7th ed.} |
Child abduction : prevention, investigation, and recovery |
God's democracy : American religion after September 11 {Religion, politics, and public life} |
Part of the problem, part of the solution : religion today and tomorrow |
Fogs of war and peace : a midstream analysis of World War III |
Why war? Why an army? |
New frontiers in men's sexual health : understanding erectile dysfunction and the revolutionary new treatments {Sex, love, and psychology} |
Bioterror : anthrax, influenza, and the future of public health security |
Conspiracy theory in film, television, and politics |
Dark mirror : the pathology of the singer-songwriter |
Helping people addicted to methamphetamine : a creative new approach for families and communities |
Encyclopedia of Native American artists {Artists of the American mosaic} |
Music in the Middle Ages : a reference guide |
People of the Underground Railroad : a biographical dictionary |
Tropical forest biomes {Greenwood guides to biomes of the world} |
Grassland biomes {Greenwood guides to biomes of the world} |
Marine biomes {Greenwood guides to biomes of the world} |
Arctic and Alpine biomes {Greenwood guides to biomes of the world} |
American folk songs : a regional encyclopedia |
Cultural encyclopedia of the body |
Children's folklore : a handbook {Greenwood folklore handbooks} |
Media scandals {Scandals in American history} |
history of Ukraine {Greenwood histories of the modern nations} |
Daily life of the ancient Egyptians {Greenwood Press "Daily life through history" series; 2nd ed.} |
picture book primer : understanding and using picture books |
Basics of genealogy reference : a librarian's guide |
Delivering e-learning : a complete strategy for design, application and assessment |
World development indicators 2009 |
Future : a recent history {1st ed.} |
When swing was the thing : personality profiles of the big band era |
Recent Catholic philosophy : the nineteenth century {Marquette studies in philosophy ; #58.#58} |
When play was play : why pick-up games matter |
Composition & copyright : perspectives on teaching, text-making, and fair use |
Authoring your life : developing an internal voice to navigate life's challenges {1st ed.} |
Becoming socialized in student affairs administration : a guide for new professionals and their supervisors {1st ed.} |
Not alms but opportunity : the Urban League & the politics of racial uplift, 1910-1950 |
Linthead stomp : the creation of country music in the Piedmont South {Caravan book} |
Dislocating race & nation : episodes in nineteenth-century American literary nationalism |
Mutiny at Fort Jackson : the untold story of the fall of New Orleans {Civil War America} |
Andean cocaine : the making of a global drug |
Sex expression & American women writers, 1860-1940 |
Disunion! : the coming of the American Civil War, 1789-1859 {Littlefield history of the Civil War era} |
beauty of holiness : Anglicanism & architecture in colonial South Carolina {Richard Hampton Jenrette series in architecture & the decorative arts} |
rise of multicultural America : economy and print culture, 1865-1915 |
iMuslims : rewiring the house of Islam {Islamic civilization & Muslim networks} |
That infernal little Cuban republic : the United States and the Cuban Revolution |
armchair birder : discovering the secret lives of familiar birds |
Living with history/making social change |
What America read : taste, class, and the novel, 1920-1960 |
Demanding respect : the evolution of the American comic book |
Mu큦ica norten~a : Mexican migrants creating a nation between nations {Studies in Latin American and Caribbean music} |
Contemporary Chinese America : immigration, ethnicity, and community transformation {Asian American history and culture} |
Runaway romances : Hollywood's postwar tour of Europe |
Life after cancer in adolescence and young adulthood : the experience of survivorship |
physical actor : exercises for action and awareness |
Latsploitation, exploitation cinemas, and Latin America {Routledge advances in film studies ; 4.4} |
AS film studies : the essential introduction {Essentials series (Routledge); 2nd ed.} |
Anger, rage and relationship : an empathic approach to anger management |
Health promotion for nurses : theory and practice |
Contemporary theories of learning : learning theorists -- in their own words |
Reclaiming childhood : freedom and play in an age of fear |
Giving a lecture : from presenting to teaching {Effective teaching in higher education; 2nd ed.} |
other's war : recognition and the violence of ethics |
Jane Austen's Pride and prejudice : a sourcebook {Routledge guides to literature} |
Physical activity and health : the evidence explained {2nd ed.} |
Film theory and contemporary Hollywood movies {AFI film readers} |
Intergroup relations : the role of motivation and emotion |
Sport, masculinities and the body {Routledge research in sport, culture and society ; 1.1} |
R for SAS and SPSS users {Statistics and computing} |
physics and psychophysics of music : an introduction {4th ed.} |
sun and how to observe it {Astronomers' observing guides} |
Handbook on building cultures of peace {Peace psychology book series} |
Learning and instructional technologies for the 21st century : visions of the future |
Stifling political competition : how government has rigged the system to benefit demopublicans and exclude third parties {Studies in public choice ;6550; 1st ed.} |
Queuing theory : a linear algebraic approach {2nd ed.} |
Statistical decision theory : estimation, testing, and selection {Springer series in statistics} |
Prostitution and human trafficking : focus on clients |
Full meridian of glory : perilous adventures in the competition to measure the Earth |
Determinants of minority mental health and wellness |
conflict over environmental regulation in the United States : origins, outcomes, and comparisons with the EU and other regions |
Building a roll-off roof observatory : a complete guide for design and construction {Patrick Moore's practical astronomy series} |
Introduction to applied optimization {Springer optimization and its applications ; v. 22v. 22; 2nd ed.} |
Path player games : analysis and applications {Springer optimization and its applications ; v. 24.v. 24} |
introduction to mathematical cryptography {Undergraduate texts in mathematics} |
Origin of group identity : viruses, addiction, and cooperation |
Topics in elementary geometry {2nd ed. /} |
Naive lie theory {Undergraduate texts in mathematics} |
Surveys in number theory {Developments in mathematics ; 1717} |
Granting the seasons : the Chinese astronomical reform of 1280, with a study of its many dimensions and a translation of its records : Shou shih li cong kao {Sources and studies in the history of mathematics and physical sciences} |
Shrouds of the night : masks of the Milky Way and our awesome new view of galaxies |
Denying AIDS : conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, and human tragedy |
night sky companion : a yearly guide to sky-watching, 2009-2010 {Patrick Moore's practical astronomy series} |
Television goes digital {The economics of information, communication and entertainment} |
Recovery of gray wolves in the Great Lakes Region of the United States : an endangered species success story |
Aftermath : readings in the archaeology of recent conflict {1st ed.} |
E.O. Wilson and B.F. Skinner : a dialogue between sociobiology and radical behaviorism {Developments in primatology} |
Identifying malicious code through reverse engineering {Advances in information security ;58} |
Voices of diversity : multi-culturalism in America {Clinical sociology : research and practice} |
Geometric integration theory {Cornerstones} |
Beyond the quartic equation {Modern Birkha쮞ser classics} |
sun : a user's manual |
Marine biodiversity of Costa Rica, Central America {Monographiae biologicae ;v. 86} |
Ane's encyclopedic dictionary of general & applied entomology |
American megafaunal extinctions at the end of the Pleistocene {Vertebrate paleobiology and paleoanthropology series} |
Does truth matter? : democracy and public space |
Multiple representations in chemical education {Models and modeling in science education ;v. 4} |
Assessment, learning and judgement in higher education |
Critical appraisal of physical science as a human enterprise : dynamics of scientific progress {Science & technology education library} |
Mapping the future of biology : evolving concepts and theories {Boston studies in the philosophy of science} |
Ecological impacts of non-native invertebrates and fungi on terrestrial ecosystems |
Diseases of mites and ticks |
Mountain timberlines : ecology, patchiness and dynamics {Advances in global change research} |
Technology-enhanced learning : principles and products |
Exploring C++ : the programmer's introduction to C++ {The expert's voice in C++} |
Beginning Silverlight 2 : from novice to professional {The expert's voice in web development} |
Beginning Oracle Database 11g administration : from novice to professional {The expert's voice in Oracle} |
Mule 2 : a developer's guide {FirstPress} |
Expert Oracle database 11g administration {The expert's voice in Oracle} |
Expert C# 2008 business objects {The expert's voice in .NET} |
Pro Visual C++/CLI and the .NET 3.5 Platform {Expert's voice in .NET} |
Automating Linux and UNIX system administration {The expert's voice in Linux; 2nd ed.} |
Beginning GIMP : from novice to professional {The expert's voice in open source; 2nd ed.} |
Foundation Silverlight 2 animation |
Practical CakePHP projects {The expert's voice in Web development} |
Beginning OpenOffice 3 : from novice to professional {The expert's voice in open source} |
Beginning spatial with SQL server 2008 {The expert's voice in SQL server} |
primer for the exercise and nutrition sciences : thermodynamics, bioenergetics, metabolism |
Women's cancers : pathways to healing : a patient's guide to dealing with cancer and abnormal smears |
Clinical guide to bioweapons and chemical agents |
Climate change and technological options : basic facts, evaluation and practical solutions |
(In)visible : learning to act in the metaverse |
Interfacing geostatistics and GIS |
Growth of the pediatric skeleton : a primer for radiologists |
chloroplast : interactions with the environment {Plant cell monographs ;v. 13} |
Functional organization of the plant nucleus {Plant cell monographs ; v. 14.v. 14} |
Euler as physicist |
Physics, formation and evolution of rotating stars {Astronomy and astrophysics library} |
Biology of microorganisms on grapes, in must and in wine |
Post-quantum cryptography |
Mind, matter and quantum mechanics {The frontiers collection; 3rd ed.} |
Middleware for network eccentric and mobile applications |
Flow, gesture, and spaces in free jazz : towards a theory of collaboration {Computational music science} |
Row houses : a housing typology |
Leonardo da Vinci : architecture and mathematics {Nexus network journal} |
Recommender systems for information providers : designing customer centric paths to information {Contributions to management science; 1st ed.} |
Stock management for sustainable urban regeneration {cSUR-UT series} |
Anatomical imaging : towards a new morphology |
Saudi-Iranian relations since the fall of Saddam : rivalry, cooperation, and implications for U.S. policy |
Charter schools in eight states : effects on achievement, attainment, integration, and competition {Rand Corporation monograph series} |
Assessing irregular warfare : a framework for intelligence analysis {Rand Corporation monograph series} |
challenge of domestic intelligence in a free society : a multidisciplinary look at the creation of a U.S. domestic counterterrorism intelligence agency |
Multiple sclerosis : the guide to treatment and management {6th ed.} |
Estate planning : for people with a chronic condition or disability |
You can cope with peripheral neuropathy : 365 tips for living a better life |
dystonia patient : a guide to practical management |
Muslims in Western politics |
Battle of Surigao Strait {Twentieth-century battles} |
Beauvoir and Sartre : the riddle of influence |
Buying respectability : philanthropy and urban society in transnational perspective, 1840s to 1930s {Philanthropic and nonprofit studies} |
conservationist manifesto |
essential Santayana : selected writings |
great American symphony : music, the Depression, and war |
Habits of whiteness : a pragmatist reconstruction {American philosophy} |
Orthodox Jews in America {Modern Jewish experience (Bloomington, Ind.)} |
Racism and sexual oppression in Anglo-America : a genealogy |
Revenge of the women's studies professor |
Evaluation for risk of violence in adults {Best practices in forensic mental health assessment} |
history of the Rebellion : a new selection {Oxford world's classics} |
apocryphal Gospels : a very short introduction {Very short introductions ;201} |
Pavlov's dogs and Schro쮌inger's cat : scenes from the living laboratory |
lives of ants |
Thinking about nuclear weapons : principles, problems, prospects |
Building partner capacity to combat weapons of mass destruction {Rand Corporation monograph series} |
Occupying Iraq : a history of the Coalition Provisional Authority |
conquests of Alexander the Great {Key conflicts of classical antiquity} |
Prosecuting heads of state |
Cambridge handbook of child language {Cambridge handbooks in linguistics} |
Head injury : a multidisciplinary approach {Cambridge medicine} |
fisherman's cause : Atlantic commerce and maritime dimensions of the American Revolution |
Skin infections : diagnosis and treatment |
Parables and conflict in the Hebrew Bible |
Religion and spirituality in psychiatry |
Least-squares finite element methods {Applied mathematical sciences (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.) ; v. 166.v. 166} |
Disease, diagnoses, and dollars : facing the ever-expanding market for medical care |
Mysteries and discoveries of archaeoastronomy : from Giza to Easter Island {English language ed.} |
Monte carlo and quasi-monte carlo sampling {Springer series in statistics} |
Depression in Latinos : assessment, treatment, and prevention {Issues in children's and families' lives (Springer (Firm))} |
machinery of life {2nd ed.} |
coming robot revolution : expectations and fears about emerging intelligent, humanlike machines |
Astronomical cybersketching : observational drawing with PDAs and tablet PCs {Patrick Moore's practical astronomy series} |
Deep-sky video astronomy {Patrick Moore's practical astronomy series} |
Life after residency : a career planning guide |
Identifying, assessing, and treating dyslexia at school {Developmental psychopathology at school} |
Safety of meat and processed meat {Food microbiology and food safety} |
Make time for the stars : fitting astronomy into your busy life {Patrick Moore's practical astronomy series} |
Explorations in learning and the brain : on the potential of cognitive neuroscience for educational science |
Measure solar systems objects and their movements for yourself! {Patrick Moore's practical astronomy series} |
Logic and integer programming {Int. series in operations research & management science ;130} |
Getting the most out of your mentoring relationships : a handbook for women in STEM {Mentoring in academia and industry ;3} |
sun recorded through history {Astrophysics and space science library ; v. 361.v. 361} |
Nuclear test ban : converting political visions to reality |
Teacher professional learning in an age of compliance : mind the gap {Professional learning and development in schools and higher education ; v. 2.v. 2} |
Self-study of practice as a genre of qualitative research : theory, methodology, and practice {Self study of teaching and teacher education practices ; v. 8.v. 8} |
Living together : education and intercultural dialogue |
Linking competence to opportunities to learn : models of competence and data mining {Innovations in science education and technology ; v. 17.v. 17} |
Pro Silverlight 2 in C# 2008 {Expert's voice in Web development} |
Beginning database-driven application development in Java EE using GlassFish {Expert's voice in open source} |
Android essentials {FirstPress} |
Pro Flex on Spring {The expert's voice in Web development} |
Pro mapping in BizTalk Server 2009 |
Network infrastructure security |
algorithm design manual {2nd ed.} |
Future interaction design II |
Formal languages and compilation {Texts in computer science} |
Computers in the human interaction loop {Human-computer interaction series} |
Handbook of fingerprint recognition {2nd ed.} |
Digital communication in medical practice {Health informatics} |
Storage management in data centers : understanding, exploiting, tuning and troubleshooting Veritas Storage Foundation |
Paleogene fossil birds |
Functional performance in older adults {3rd ed.} |
Policy-making in education : a holistic approach in response to global changes |
Music and the young mind : enhancing brain development and engaging learning |
Conquering college : a guide for undergraduates |
Making the move to eLearning : putting your course online |
Planning educational facilities : what educators need to know {3rd ed.} |
teaching road map : a pocket guide for high school and college teachers |
Leading America's branch campuses {American Council on Education series on higher education} |
Minds on music : composition for creative and critical thinking |
Bringing history to life : first-person historical presentations in elementary and middle school classrooms |
Working smart : problem-solving strategies for school leaders |
Choosing excellence in public schools : where there's a will, there's a way {New frontiers in education} |
Seeking the significance of music education : essays and reflections |
Sleep and learning : the magic that makes us healthy and smart |
Teaching is more than pedagogical practice : thirty-three strategies for dealing with contemporary students |
Super immunity foods : a complete program to boost wellness, speed recovery, and keep your body strong |
Microsoft XNA game studio creator's guide {2nd ed.} |
Russian grammar {Schaum's outlines Schaum's outline series; 2nd ed.} |
Perfect phrases in Spanish for confident travel to Mexico : the no faux-pas phrasebook for the perfect trip {Perfect phrases series} |
Deweyan inquiry : from education theory to practice |
Buddhism & science : a guide for the perplexed {Buddhism and modernity} |
Basic statistics : understanding conventional methods and modern insights |
Death in a prairie house : Frank Lloyd Wright and the Taliesin murders |
Illustrated dictionary of immunology {3rd ed.} |
Namibia : country brief |
little data book 2009 |
Tanzania : country brief |
Introducing Daoism |
Lives of the Caesars |
American idol after Iraq : competing for hearts and minds in the global media age |
companion to the modern American novel 1900-1950 {Blackwell companions to literature and culture ;59} |
Catullus {Blackwell introductions to the classical world} |
Plant systems biology {Annual plant reviews,v. 35} |
dictionary of human geography {5th ed.} |
Reintroduction of top-order predators {Conservation science and practice series ;no. 5} |
Story circle : digital storytelling around the world |
companion to Julius Caesar {Blackwell companions to the ancient world. Ancient history} |
companion to Ovid {Blackwell companions to the ancient world. [Literature and culture]} |
Dying words : endangered languages and what they have to tell us {The language library} |
Oral history : the challenges of dialogue {Studies in narrative} |
Why writing matters : issues of access and identity in writing research and pedagogy {Studies in written language and literacy} |
Bite me : food in popular culture |
Germany, 1871-1945 : a concise history |
Morality : an anthropological perspective |
Movie greats : a critical study of classic cinema {English ed.} |
New media {Key concepts (Berg (Firm)); English ed.} |
anthropology of Islam |
body : the key concepts {Key concepts (Berg (Firm)); English ed.} |
What anthropologists do {English ed.} |
Cheatgrass : fire and forage on the range |
Wolves and the wolf myth in American literature |
Mojave Desert : ecosystem processes and sustainability |
Contemporary Spanish American novels by women : mapping the narrative {Coleccio큡 Ta큟esis. Serie A Monografi큑s ; 237.237} |
Elgar the music maker |
house of life : a sonnet-sequence {Variorum ed.} |
John Stainer : a life in music {Music in Britain, 1600-1900} |
Love, desire and identity in the theatre of Federico Garci큑 Lorca {Coleccio큡 Ta큟esis. Serie A. Monografi큑s ;241} |
Mozart's Viennese instrumental music : a study of stylistic re-invention |
pursuit of high culture : John Ella and chamber music in Victorian London {Music in Britain, 1600-1900} |
songs of Edvard Grieg {Paperback ed.} |
Katyn : a crime without punishment {Annals of Communism} |
Imagining Nabokov : Russia between art and politics |
atomic bomb and the origins of the Cold War |
future of education : reimagining our schools from the ground up |
You did that on purpose : understanding and changing children's aggression |
No more joint pain {Yale University Press health & wellness} |
Bible and the people |
Free speech and human dignity |
Kander and Ebb {Yale Broadway masters} |
Prokofiev's piano sonatas : a guide for the listener and the performer |
Faulkner and love : the women who shaped his art |
Alfred Kazin : a biography |
Forgotten continent : the battle for Latin America's soul |
American play : 1787-2000 |
One America in the 21st century : the report of President Bill Clinton's initiative on race |
legacy of the Mastodon : the golden age of fossils in America |
Frankly, my dear : Gone with the wind revisited {Icons of America} |
Wall Street : America's dream palace {Icons of America} |
We shall overcome : a history of civil rights and the law |
One state, two states : resolving the Israel/Palestine conflict |
Forgive us our debts : the intergenerational dangers of fiscal irresponsibility |
introduction to Spanish for health care workers : communication and culture {3rd ed.} |
Benjamin Franklin and the politics of improvement {Lewis Walpole series in eighteenth-century culture and history} |
Whatever happened to thrift? : why Americans don't save and what to do about it |
Ballet's magic kingdom : selected writings on dance in Russia, 1911-1925 |
brothers Karamazov : worlds of the novel |
Savages and scoundrels : the untold story of America's road to empire through Indian Territory |
Hidden in the shadow of the master : the model-wives of Ce큯anne, Monet, and Rodin |
newborn as a person : enabling healthy infant development worldwide |
Blender for dummies {--For dummies} |
think big manifesto : think you can't change your life (and the world)? Think again |
Hire the American dream : how to build your minimum wage workforce into a high-performace, customer-focused team : lessons from Domino's Pizza, where deliverymen become millionaires |
Windows server 2008 Hyper-V : insiders guide to Microsoft's Hypervisor {1st ed.} |
OpenSocial network programming {Wrox guides} |
Jam! : amp your team, rock your business : work hard, rock harder {1st ed.} |
Mastering Maya 2009 |
Adolescent health : understanding and preventing risk behaviors {1st ed.} |
GRE test for dummies {--For dummies; 6th ed.} |
nice girl syndrome : stop being manipulated and abused--and start standing up for yourself |
FileMaker Pro 10 bible |
Beekeeping for dummies {For dummies; 2nd ed.} |
iWork '09 for dummies {--For dummies; 1st ed.} |
Being white in the helping professions : developing effective intercultural awareness |
Taiji jian 32-posture sword form |
Connecting through music with people with dementia : a guide for caregivers |
Global warming and climate change demystified {Demystified series} |
Pharmacy student survival guide {2nd ed.} |
McGraw-Hill's LSAT {2010 ed.} |
Prebiotic evolution and astrobiology |
Across generations : immigrant families in America |
From slavery to poverty : the racial origins of welfare in New York, 1840-1918 |
perversion of youth : controversies in the assessment and treatment of juvenile sex offenders {Psychology and crime series} |
Our schools suck : students talk back to a segregated nation on the failures of urban education |
widows' might : widowhood and gender in early British America |
little green data book. 2009 {The little green data book ;2009} |
little data book on gender. 2009 {The little data book on gender ;2009} |
Crossing borders : international women students in American higher education |
Real or fake : studies in authentication |
Gout {Answers at your fingertips} |
Heart health {Answers at your fingertips; 4th ed.} |
manager's guide to data warehousing |
Telling stories : a short path to writing better software requirements |
1959 : the year everything changed |
OCP Oracle database 11g administrator certified professional study guide {Sybex serious skills} |
MCTS : Windows server virtualization configuration study guide (exam 70-652) {Serious skills} |
Get the job you want, even when no one's hiring : take charge of your career, find a job you love, and earn what you deserve! |
Free range kids : giving our children the freedom we had without going nuts with worry {1st ed.} |
Professional SQL server 2008 administration with Windows PowerShell {Wrox guides} |
Bailout nation : how greed and easy money corrupted Wall Street and shook the world economy |
What a girl wants? : fantasizing the reclamation of self in postfeminism |
fabric of cultures : fashion, identity, and globalization |
Disability and youth sport {International studies in physical education and youth sport} |
origins of criminology : a reader |
worldliness of a cosmopolitan education : passionate lives in public service {Studies in curriculum theory} |
Architecture, ethics and globalization |
Handbook of social justice in education |
Researching transitions in lifelong learning |
problem with boys' education : beyond the backlash |
Critical reasoning : a practical introduction {3rd ed.} |
Lyric {The new critical idiom; 1st ed.} |
On criticism {Thinking in action} |
Routledge companion to directors' Shakespeare |
Climate change and foreign policy : case studies from east to west {Routledge advances in international relations and global politics} |
concept of mind |
global architect : firms, fame and urban form |
camera assistant's manual {5th ed.} |
Digital painting in Photoshop |
Secrets of recording : professional tips, tools & techniques {Mastering music} |
debatabase book : a must-have guide for successful debate {4th ed.} |
On demand writing : applying the strategies of impromptu speaking to impromptu writing |
Using deliberative techniques to teach United States history |
American counterfeit : authenticity and identity in American literature and culture {Studies in American literary realism and naturalism} |
It's a new day : race and gender in the modern charismatic movement {Religion and American culture (Tuscaloosa, Ala.)} |
world in which we occur : John Dewey, pragmatist ecology, and American ecological writing in the twentieth century |
Henry Hotze, Confederate propagandist : selected writings on revolution, recognition, and race |
Mule South to tractor South : mules, machines, and the transformation of the cotton South |
Stand up for Alabama : Governor George Wallace {Modern South} |
spaces of violence |
Weapons of choice : the development of precision guided munitions |
Florida fiddler : the life and times of Richard Seaman |
How to do everything : iPod, iPhone & iTunes {5th ed.} |
Too busy for your own good : get more done in less time--with even more energy |
Cosmetic dermatology : principles and practice {2nd ed.} |
Fitzpatrick's color atlas and synopsis of clinical dermatology {6th ed. /} |
Ireland, India, and nationalism in nineteenth-century literature {Cambridge studies in nineteenth-century literature and culture} |
Genetic analysis : a history of genetic thinking {Cambridge studies in philosophy and biology} |
Ludic proof : Greek mathematics and the Alexandrian aesthetic |
Cold-water corals : the biology and geology of deep-sea coral habitats |
Case studies in pediatric critical care {Cambridge medicine} |
wicked waltz and other scandalous dances : outrage at couple dancing in the 19th and early 20th centuries |
Abbott and Costello on the home front : a critical study of the wartime films |
pleasure and pain of cult horror films : an historical survey |
Shakespeare attacks bigotry : a close reading of six plays |
Battle of the Crater : a complete history |
Television network prime time programming, 1985-2007 |
Talk radio wants you : an intimate guide to 700 shows and how to get invited |
integration of Major League Baseball : a team by team history |
Captain America and the struggle of the superhero : critical essays |
Chronology of religious life in America |
Musicians & composers of the 20th century |
Critical companion to William Butler Yeats : a literary reference to his life and work {Facts on File library of world literature} |
dictionary of literary and thematic terms {Facts on File library of language and literature; 2nd ed.} |
Facts on File dictionary of cliche큦 {Facts on File library of language and literature; 2nd ed.} |
Words to rhyme with : a rhyming dictionary : including a primer of prosody, a list of more than 80,000 words that rhyme, a glossary defining 9,000 of the more eccentric rhyming words, and a variety of exemplary verses, one of which does not rhyme at all { |
Facts on File student's dictionary of American English {Facts on File library of language and literature} |
Facts on File dictionary of proverbs {Facts on File library of language and literature; 2nd ed.} |
Evolution : the history of life on earth {Genetics and evolution} |
Critical companion to Zora Neale Hurston : a literary reference to her life and work {Facts on File library of American literature} |
Handbook to life in America. Volume I, The colonial and revolutionary era, beginnings to 1783 |
Handbook to life in America. Volume II, The early national period and expansion, 1783 to 1859 |
Handbook to life in America. Volume III, The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860 to 1876 |
Handbook to life in America. Vol. IV, The gilded age, 1870 to 1900 |
Tae kwon do : the ultimate reference guide to the world's most popular martial art {3rd ed.} |
Winning the White House 2008 : the Gallup poll, public opinion, and the presidency {Facts on File library of American history} |
Energy policy {Point-counterpoint (Philadelphia, Pa.)} |
Radioactivity {Science foundations} |
Jerry Spinelli {Who wrote that?} |
Madeleine L'Engle {Who wrote that?} |
Romanticism and transcendentalism : 1800-1860 {Backgrounds to American literature} |
Bioinformatics, genomics, and proteomics : getting the big picture {Biotechnology in the 21st century} |
Sylvia Plath {Bloom's modern critical views; Updated ed.} |
Astrobiologist {Weird careers in science} |
Harriet Beecher Stowe {Leaders of the Civil War era} |
American dream {Bloom's literary themes} |
Gabriel Garci큑 Ma큥quez's One hundred years of solitude {Bloom's modern critical interpretations; New ed.} |
Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon {Bloom's modern critical interpretations; New ed.} |
Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club {Bloom's modern critical interpretations; New ed.} |
Maurice Sendak {Who wrote that?} |
Philip Pullman {Who wrote that?} |
Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-five {Bloom's guides} |
High performance healthcare : using the power of relationships to achieve quality, efficiency and resilience |
Public relations and the social web : how to use social media and Web 2.0 in communications |
How people tick : a guide to over 50 types of difficult people and how to handle them {2nd ed.} |
Test your EQ : assess your emotional intelligence with 22 personality questionnaires |
Early childhood assessment : why, what, and how |
Theological foundations for environmental ethics : reconstructing patristic and medieval concepts |
Instant interviews : 101 ways to get the best job of your life |
Routledge companion to English language studies |
Handbook of genetics and society : mapping the new genomic era {Genetics and society} |
Becoming places : urbanism/architecture/identity/power |
Common sense and nuclear warfare {Routledge classics} |
Nursing now! : today's issues, tomorrow's trends {5th ed.} |
Lobbying in America : a reference handbook {Contemporary world issues} |
Voices from post-Saddam Iraq : living with terrorism, insurgency, and new forms of tyranny |
Sundials : design, construction, and use {Springer-Praxis books in popular astronomy} |
Introductory time series with R {Use R!} |
Nile : origin, environments, limnology and human use {Monographiae biologicae ;89} |
founders of Western thought : the Presocratics : a diachronic parallelism between Presocratic thought and philosophy and the natural sciences {Boston studies in the philosophy of science ;v. 257} |
Beginning XNA 3.0 game programming : from novice to professional {The expert's voice in XNA} |
Practical Eclipse Rich Client Platform projects {The expert's voice in open source} |
XNA 3.0 game programming recipes : a problem-solution approach {The expert's voice in XNA} |
Don't spend a dime : the path to low-cost computing |
Pro Silverlight for the Enterprise {The expert's voice in Web development} |
Beginning the Linux command line {The expert's voice in open source} |
Pro OpenSolaris : a new open source OS for Linux developers and administrators {The expert's voice in open source} |
Pro Hyper-V {The expert's voice in virtualization} |
Object oriented simulation : a modeling and programming perspective |
Artificial life models in hardware |
Dynamic system reconfiguration in heterogeneous platforms : the MORPHEUS approach {Lecture notes in electrical engineering} |
Interconnectedness and the individual |
Bohmian mechanics : the physics and mathematics of quantum theory |
field guide to automotive technology |
Building equality and opportunity through social guarantees : new approaches to public policy and the realization of rights {New frontiers of social policy} |
English sentence builder {Practice makes perfect} |
Elia Kazan : the cinema of an American outsider |
From Asgard to Valhalla : the remarkable history of the Norse myths |
Germans against Hitler : the Stauffenberg plot and resistance under the Third Reich |
Iraqi refugees : the new crisis in the Middle East {International library of migration studies ;3} |
Muslim ethics : emerging vistas |
political ideology of Hamas : a grassroots perspective {Library of modern Middle East studies ;64; [Rev. and updated ed.].} |
Weird science and bizarre beliefs : mysterious creatures, lost worlds, and amazing inventions |
Historical dictionary of Islam {Historical dictionaries of religions, philosophies, and movements ;no. 95; 2nd ed.} |
Partly cloudy : ethics in war, espionage, covert action, and interrogation {Scarecrow professional intelligence education series ;6} |
Historical dictionary of Austria {Historical dictionaries of Europe ;70; 2nd ed.} |
Historical dictionary of homosexuality {Historical dictionaries of religions, philosophies, and movements ;no. 96} |
Technology law : what every business (and business-minded person) needs to know {Rev. ed.} |
Annual review of jazz studies. 14 |
Historical dictionary of the Etruscans {Historical dictionaries of ancient civilizations and historical eras ;24} |
Child composers and their works : a historical survey |
Get the callback : the art of auditioning for musical theatre |
African American journalists : autobiography as memoir and manifesto |
Historical dictionary of Nigeria {Historical dictionaries of Africa ;111} |
Historical dictionary of modern Japanese literature and theater {Historical dictionaries of literature and the arts ;no. 33} |
Historical dictionary of modern Greece {Historical dictionaries of Europe ;no. 71} |
Learning curves : body image and female sexuality in young adult literature {Scarecrow studies in young adult literature ;35} |
Sustainable neighbourhood transformation {Sustainable urban areas ;v. 11} |
meaning of dwelling features : conceptual and methodological issues {Sustainable urban areas ; 24.24} |
Green facilities handbook : simple & profitable strategies for managers |
oral history manual {American Association for State and Local History book series; 2nd ed.} |
tapestry of culture : an introduction to cultural anthropology {9th ed.} |
Explaining human actions and environmental changes |
California maritime archaeology : a San Clemente Island perspective |
From Squaw Tit to Whorehouse Meadow : how maps name, claim, and inflame |
gargoyles of Notre-Dame : medievalism and the monsters of modernity |
emergence of Buddhist American literature {SUNY series in Buddhism and American culture} |
Pretext for mass murder : the September 30th Movement and Suharto's coup d'e큧at in Indonesia {New perspectives in Southeast Asian studies} |
prose of life : Russian women writers from Khrushchev to Putin |
Hip hop underground : the integrity and ethics of racial identification |
Practical crime scene analysis and reconstruction {CRC series in practical aspects of criminal and forensic investigations} |
Geographic data mining and knowledge discovery {Chapman & Hall/CRC data mining and knowledge discovery series; 2nd ed.} |
Living and surviving in harm's way : a psychological treatment handbook for pre- and post-deployment of military personnel |
In the grip of desire : a therapist at work with sexual secrets |
Fiber ingredients : food applications and health benefits |
Design and implementation of data mining tools |
universal access handbook {Human factors and ergonomics} |
Women, girls, and addiction : celebrating the feminine in counseling treatment and recovery |
Community policing : international patterns and comparative perspectives {Advances in police theory and practice series} |
Disaster recovery |
Guide to ministering to Alzheimer's patients and their families |
No family history : the environmental links to breast cancer {New social formations} |
meritocracy myth {2nd ed.} |
Globalization and terrorism : the migration of dreams and nightmares {Globalization; 2nd ed.} |
Racial profiling : research, racism, and resistance {Issues in crime & justice} |
More than Title IX : how equity in education has shaped the nation |
Kennedy and the Berlin Wall : "a hell of a lot better than a war" |
After Putin's Russia : past imperfect, future uncertain {4th ed.} |
To ask for an equal chance : African Americans in the Great Depression {The African American history series} |
house of secrets : the hidden world of the mikveh |
Write these laws on your children : inside the world of conservative Christian homeschooling |
When freedom would triumph : the civil rights struggle in Congress, 1954-1968 |
New women of the old faith : gender and American Catholicism in the progressive era |
Kingdom to commune : Protestant pacifist culture between World War I and the Vietnam era |
We have a religion : the 1920s Pueblo Indian dance controversy and American religious freedom |
Brazil : a century of change {Latin America in translation/en traduccio큡/em traduc퇫~o. Brasiliana collection} |
Capitalizing on change : a social history of American business {The Luther H. Hodges Jr. and Luther H. Hodges Sr. series on business, society, and the state} |
Wonder : from emotion to spirituality |
Puerto Rico in the American century : a history since 1898 |
Making marriage work : a history of marriage and divorce in the twentieth-century United States |
land has memory : indigenous knowledge, native landscapes, and the National Museum of the American Indian {1st ed.} |
encyclopedia of learning disabilities {Facts on File library of health and living; 2nd ed.} |
encyclopedia of obesity and eating disorders {Facts on File library of health and living; 3rd ed.} |
encyclopedia of stress and stress-related diseases {Facts on File library of health and living; 2nd ed.} |
Rights of the disabled {Library in a book} |
Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire {Facts on File library of world history} |
Careers in focus. Art {2nd ed.} |
Careers in focus : manufacturing {3rd ed.} |
Careers in focus. Mechanics {3rd ed.} |
Careers in focus. Performing arts {2nd ed.} |
Careers in focus. Sports {4th ed.} |
Careers in focus. Therapists {2nd ed.} |
But what if I don't want to go to college? : a guide to success through alternative education {3rd ed.} |
College majors & careers : a resource guide for effective life planning {6th ed.} |
Genetic engineering : manipulating the mechanisms of life {Genetics & evolution} |
Career opportunities in casinos and casino hotels {Career opportunities in; 2nd ed.} |
Science versus crime {Essentials of forensic science Facts on File science library} |
Choices for the high school graduate : a survival guide for the information age {5th ed.} |
Handbook to life in America. Volume V, The age of reform, 1890 to 1920 |
Handbook to life in America. Volume VI, The roaring twenties, 1920 to 1929 |
Encyclopedia of adventure fiction {Facts on File library of world literature Literary movements} |
Encyclopedia of American Indian literature {Encyclopedia of American ethnic literature} |
Encyclopedia of Asian-American literature {Facts on File library of American literature Encyclopedia of American ethnic literature} |
Outdoor careers {The field guides to finding a new career series} |
student-athlete's college recruitment guide |
Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution {Facts on File library of American history} |
Food alert! : the ultimate sourcebook for food safety {2nd ed.} |
encyclopedia of witches, witchcraft and wicca {3rd ed.} |
Vietnam War almanac {Almanacs of American wars Facts on File library of American history} |
Education and learning in America {American experience} |
Welfare and welfare reform {Library in a book} |
encyclopedia of the brain and brain disorders {Facts on File library of health and living; 3rd ed.} |
encyclopedia of women's health {Facts on File library of health and living; 6th ed.} |
Facts on File dictionary of allusions {Facts on File library of language and literature} |
Drugs and sports {Library in a book} |
From Serra to Sancho : music and pageantry in the California missions {Currents in Latin American & Iberian music} |
Why America fights : patriotism and war propaganda from the Philippines to Iraq |
Cuba : what everyone needs to know |
Unanticipated gains : origins of network inequality in everyday life |
new foundations of evolution : on the tree of life |
Seeking a role : the United Kingdom, 1951-1970 {New Oxford history of England} |
Grimoires : a history of magic books |
Fat economics : nutrition, health, and economic policy |
Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark {Oxford world's classics} |
Foxe's Book of martyrs : select narratives {Oxford world's classics} |
Nature's patterns : a tapestry in three parts |
Saint Francis and the sultan : the curious history of a Christian-Muslim encounter |
least worst place : how Guantanamo became the world's most notorious prison |
Snoring and sleep apnea : sleep well, feel better {4th ed.} |
Spinal cord injury {American Academy of Neurology (AAN) quality of life guides} |
Brainlash : maximize your recovery from mild brain injury {3rd ed.} |
Mental sharpening stones : manage the cognitive challenges of Multiple Sclerosis |
Arthritis : 300 tips for making life easier |
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis : a guide for patients and families {3rd ed.} |
Brain injury survival kit : 365 tips, tools, & tricks to deals with cognitive function loss |
Lazy virtues : teaching writing in the age of Wikipedia |
Phonics : practice, research and policy |
Developmental psychology {SAGE course companions} |
Introducing English as an additional language to young children : a practical handbook |
Assessment of learning |
Global citizenship for young children |
Teaching play to children with autism : a practical intervention using Identiplay |
Developing pre-school communication and language {Hands on guides} |
Promoting emotional and social development in schools : a practical guide |
Visual approaches to teaching writing |
Understanding physical education |
ISA handbook in contemporary sociology : conflict, competition, cooperation {Sage studies in international sociology} |
How to manage behaviour in further education |
Gender & crime {Key approaches to criminology} |
Globalization & crime {Key approaches to criminology} |
Learning to read in a new language : making sense of words and worlds {2nd ed.} |
Rethinking ethnicity {2nd ed.} |
Introducing cultural studies : learning through practice |
Self-esteem and early learning : key people from birth to school {The 0-8 series; 3rd ed.} |
psychology of modern prejudice |
Deep roots : rice farmers in West Africa and the African diaspora {Blacks in the diaspora} |
Genocides by the oppressed : subaltern genocide in theory and practice |
Sound targets : American soldiers and music in the Iraq war |
Globalization, development and the mass media |
SAGE dictionary of sports studies |
body & society : explorations in social theory {Theory, culture & society; 3rd ed.} |
So you want to be a teacher? |
Emotion and devotion : the meaning of Mary in medieval religious cultures {The Natalie Zemon Davis annual lecture series} |
Astronomy and astrophysics {Physics series} |
AutoCAD 2010 essentials |
Notes on acoustics {Physics series} |
Software engineering & testing : an introduction {Computer science series} |
Vocalize to localize {Benjamins current topics} |
Self-preservation in simultaneous interpreting : surviving the role {Benjamins translation library, EST subseries} |
Glacial geology : ice sheets and landforms {2nd ed.} |
Vibrations and waves {The Manchester physics series} |
What hath God wrought : the transformation of America, 1815-1848 {The Oxford history of the United States} |
Reagan revolution : a very short introduction {Very short introductions} |
"You've changed" : sex reassignment and personal identity {Studies in feminist philosophy} |
recording engineer's handbook {2nd ed.} |
Game programming for teens {3rd ed.} |
Picture yourself networking your home or small office : step-by-step instruction for designing, installing, and managing a wired or wireless computer network |
Reason 4 Power! : the comprehensive guide |
ultimate Spanish phrase finder : frases equivalentes : ingle큦-espan~ol, espan~ol-ingle큦 |
Prescription alternatives : hundreds of safe, natural, prescription-free remedies to restore & maintain your health {4th ed.} |
German sentence builder {Practice makes perfect} |
French sentence builder {Practice makes perfect} |
Spanish sentence builder {Practice makes perfect} |
Master handbook of acoustics {5th ed.} |
defense of intellectual property rights |
What's your body telling you? : listening to your body's signals to stop anxiety, erase self-doubt, and achieve true wellness |
purpose linked organization : how passionate leaders inspire winning teams and great results |
Rich : the rise and fall of American wealth culture |
Radio's America : the Great Depression and the rise of modern mass culture |
Fuzzing for software security testing and quality assurance {Artech House information security and privacy series} |
Nematodes as environmental indicators |
greener faith : religious environmentalism and our planet's future |
Sacred schisms : how religions divide |
After Abu Ghraib : exploring human rights in America and the Middle East {Cambridge studies in law and society} |
States of violence : war, capital punishment, and letting die |
Cloud and precipitation microphysics : principles and parameterizations |
Adam Smith and the character of virtue |
Cambridge handbook of earth science data |
two fundamental problems of ethics {Cambridge edition of the works of Schopenhauer} |
Intangibles in the big picture : the delinearised history of time |
Practical insight into CMMI {Artech House computing library; 2nd ed.} |
How to do everything genealogy {2nd ed.} |
Oracle database 11g : a beginner's guide |
Writing better English for ESL learners {2nd ed.} |
Wild justice : the moral lives of animals |
Black men can't shoot |
Magic flutes & enchanted forests : the supernatural in eighteenth-century musical theater |
patent crisis and how the courts can solve it |
death of the American trial |
Love in Africa |
Fighting like a community : Andean civil society in an era of Indian uprisings |
Unlimited intimacy : reflections on the subculture of barebacking |
Contemporary athletics & ancient Greek ideals |
dramatic writer's companion : tools to develop characters, cause scenes, and build stories {Chicago guides to writing, editing, and publishing} |
Murder by accident : medieval theater, modern media, critical intentions |
Capturing the German eye : American visual propaganda in occupied Germany |
Kinship by design : a history of adoption in the modern United States |
Fermilab : physics, the frontier, and megascience |
Petrarch : a critical guide to the complete works |
Science on the air : popularizers and personalities on radio and early television |
Maternal effects in mammals |
Bigfoot : the life and times of a legend |
motherless state : women's political leadership and American democracy |
shadow and the act : black intellectual practice, jazz improvisation, and philosophical pragmatism |
Paradise found : nature in America at the time of discovery |
Developmental editing : a handbook for freelancers, authors, and publishers {Chicago guides to writing, editing, and publishing} |
Distinguishing disability : parents, privilege, and special education |
Class war? : what Americans really think about economic inequality |
philosophy of improvisation |
Thousands of Broadways : dreams and nightmares of the American small town {The Rice University Campbell lectures} |
Secret science : Spanish cosmography and the new world |
complete Danteworlds : a reader's guide to the Divine Comedy |
rape of Mesopotamia : behind the looting of the Iraq Museum |
subversive copy editor : advice from Chicago (or, how to negotiate good relationships with your writers, your colleagues, and yourself) {Chicago guides to writing, editing, and publishing} |
Art without borders : a philosophical exploration of art and humanity |
Madison's nightmare : how executive power threatens American democracy |
scientific life : a moral history of a late modern vocation |
orchard invisible : a natural history of seeds |
Plan of Chicago : Daniel Burnham and the remaking of the American city {Chicago visions and revisions} |
Goodbye Ed, hello me : recover from your eating disorder and fall in love with life |
Niagara : a history of the falls |
Awareness bound and unbound : Buddhist essays |
Shared obliviousness in family systems |
At home in the world : human nature, ecological thought, and education after Darwin |
Biotechnology : our future as human beings and citizens {SUNY series in philosophy and biology} |
world of fragile things : psychoanalysis and the art of living {SUNY series in psychoanalysis and culture} |
Sisters outside : radical activists working for women prisoners {SUNY series in women, crime, criminology} |
Improving student learning one principal at a time |
Leading change in your school : how to conquer myths, build commitment, and get results |
inspired teacher : how to know one, grow one, or be one |
Habits of mind across the curriculum : practical and creative strategies for teachers |
How to help your school thrive without breaking the bank |
language-rich classroom : a research-based framework for English language learners |
Rethinking homework : best practices that support diverse needs |
motivated student : unlocking the enthusiasm for learning |
handbook for the art and science of teaching |
Multiple intelligences in the classroom {3rd ed.} |
Instruction that measures up : successful teaching in the age of accountability |
Changing the way you teach, improving the way students learn |
Engaging the whole child : reflections on best practices in learning, teaching, and leadership |
Transforming infoglut! : a pragmatic strategy for Oracle Enterprise content management |
Schaum's outlines biology {Schaum's outlines series; 3rd ed.} |
Football for the utterly confused |
Stephen King on the big screen |
place of artists' cinema : space, site and screen |
Serious play : modern clown performance |
Novel violence : a narratography of Victorian fiction |
Plato's philosophers : the coherence of the dialogues |
Fluid mechanics demystified {Demystified series} |
Harrison's manual of medicine {17th ed.} |
McGraw-Hill's ACT {2010 ed.} |
Oracle data guard 11g handbook |
just and righteous cause : Benjamin H. Grierson's Civil War memoir |
Lincoln's America : 1809-1865 |
What's your road, man? : critical essays on Jack Kerouac's On the road |
Action writing : Jack Kerouac's wild form {Pbk ed.} |
Marketing to moviegoers : a handbook of strategies and tactics {2nd ed.} |
Abraham Lincoln : a biography {Southern Illinois University Press pbk. ed.} |
Rethinking racism : emotion, persuasion, and literacy education in an all-white high school |
Eternal possibilities : a neutral ground for meaning and existence {Pbk. ed.} |
Black troops, white commanders, and freedmen during the Civil War {Paperback ed.} |
philosophy of rhetoric {Landmarks in rhetoric and public address; [Pbk. ed.]} |
Swedish exodus {Paperback ed.} |
Learning science in informal environments : people, places, and pursuits |
America's uninsured crisis : consequences for health and health care |
New Orleans hurricane protection system : assessing pre-Katrina vulnerability and improving mitigation and preparedness |
Thanksgiving rules |
Boker tov! : good morning! |
clock struck one : a time-telling tale |
Skin like milk, hair of silk : what are similes and metaphors? {Words are CATegorical} |
Learn C on the Mac {Fully-updated 4th ed.} |
Handbook of practical astronomy |
Women's experiences in leadership in K-16 science education communities, becoming and being |
Sustaining the world's wetlands : setting policy and resolving conflicts |
Principles of ecosystem stewardship : resilience-based natural resource management in a changing world {1st ed.} |
Phenology of ecosystem processes : applications in global change research |
Evaluating mental health disability in the workplace : model, process, and analysis |
intermediate course in probability {Springer texts in statistics; 2nd ed.} |
Reproductive endocrinology : a molecular approach |
Multi-agent programming : languages, platforms and applications |
Verification and control of hybrid systems : a symbolic approach |
Disney song encyclopedia |
Animals in young adult fiction {Scarecrow studies in young adult literature} |
A to Z of the Vikings {A to Z guide series} |
A to Z from the Great War to the Great Depression {A to Z guide series} |
A to Z of the Kurds {The A to Z guide series} |
A to Z of utopianism {A to Z guide series} |
A to Z of Civil War and Reconstruction {A to Z guide series} |
A to Z of early North America {A to Z guide series} |
A to Z of Sikhism {A to Z guide series} |
A to Z of fantasy literature {A to Z guide series} |
African and African American images in Newbery award winning titles : progress in portrayals |
A to Z of the Old South {A to Z guide series} |
A to Z of the United Nations {A to Z guide series} |
prison library primer : a program for the twenty-first century |
A to Z of the Arab-Israeli conflict {A to Z guide series} |
When gay people get married : what happens when societies legalize same-sex marriage |
Guide to fluorine NMR for organic chemists |
addiction treatment planner {Practice planners series; 4th ed.} |
Applied survey methods : a statistical perspective {Wiley series in survey methodology} |
Medical biochemistry : human metabolism in health and disease |
Anti-fraud risk and control workbook |
Pocket guide to the afterlife : heaven, hell, and other ultimate destinations {1st ed.} |
end of energy obesity : breaking today's energy addiction for a prosperous and secure tomorrow |
Space exploration for dummies {For dummies} |
Mastering Revit architecture 2010 |
world is open : how Web technology is revolutionizing education {1st ed.} |
Model-driven development with executable UML {Wrox guides} |
Ha?ena : through the eyes of the ancestors |
Creating the "new man" : from Enlightenment ideals to socialist realities {Perspectives on the global past} |
Sailors and traders : a maritime history of the Pacific peoples |
Japan to 1600 : a social and economic history |
Asian settler colonialism : from local governance to the habits of everyday life in Hawai'i |
When tengu talk : Hirata Atsutane's ethnography of the other world |
Making modern Muslims : the politics of Islamic education in Southeast Asia |
Imperial-Way Zen : Ichikawa Hakugen's critique and lingering questions for Buddhist ethics |
Socially engaged Buddhism {Dimensions of Asian spirituality} |
Talking Hawai?i's story : oral histories of an island people {Biography monographs} |
Ethnoburb : the new ethnic community in urban America |
Read me a rhyme in Spanish and English : Le큑me una rima en espan~ol e ingle큦 |
Marketing today's academic library : a bold new approach to communicating with students |
Newbery & Caldecott awards : a guide to the medal and honor books {2009 ed.} |
McGraw-Hill's SAT {2010 ed.} |
Performance intelligence at work : the five essentials to achieving the mind of a champion |
social security answer book : practical answers to over 200 questions on social security {2nd ed.} |
88 money-making writing jobs |
101 ways you can help : how to offer comfort and support to those who are grieving |
City chic : the modern girl's guide to living large on less |
Gruber's complete SAT reading workbook |
Gruber's complete SAT writing workbook |
Good morning : 365 positive ways to start your day |
MegaSkills for babies, toddlers, and beyond : building your child's happiness and success for life {The Megaskills series} |
first American army : the untold story of George Washington and the men behind America's first fight for freedom |
newly non-drinking girl's guide to pregnancy : advice and support for surviving 40 weeks without a cosmopolitan |
folklore muse : poetry, fiction, and other reflections by folklorists |
Byromania and the birth of celebrity culture {SUNY series, studies in the long nineteenth century} |
Intellectual capital : the intangible assets of professional development schools |
Africa writes back to self : metafiction, gender, sexuality |
Toward Filipino self-determination : beyond transnational globalization {SUNY series in global modernity} |
Active voices : composing a rhetoric for social movements |
Impossible? : surprising solutions to counterintuitive conundrums |
modern art of dying : a history of euthanasia in the United States |
Imagining Virginia Woolf : an experiment in critical biography |
necessary engagement : reinventing America's relations with the Muslim world {Princeton studies in Muslim politics} |
Modernism, media, and propaganda : British narrative from 1900 to 1945 |
Religion in American politics : a short history |
Bipolar expeditions : mania and depression in American culture |
Notes on Sontag {Writers on writers} |
state of speech : rhetoric and political thought in Ancient Rome |
fall and rise of the Islamic state |
Constitution of many minds : why the founding document doesn't mean what it meant before |
It's about time : understanding Einstein's relativity |
Taming the river : negotiating the academic, financial, and social currents in selective colleges and universities |
historical Jesus in context {Princeton readings in religions} |
way we argue now : a study in the cultures of theory |
democratic virtues of the Christian right |
Hezbollah : a short history {Princeton studies in Muslim politics} |
politics of good intentions : history, fear, and hypocrisy in the new world order |
Lyric poetry : the pain and the pleasure of words |
Disrupting science : social movements, American scientists, and the politics of the military, 1945-1975 {Princeton studies in cultural sociology} |
Taming the beloved beast : how medical technology costs are destroying our health care system |
Picture perfect : life in the age of the photo op {New ed.} |
Double vision : moral philosophy and Shakespearean drama |
Teaching English as a foreign language for dummies {UK ed.} |
politics of imprisonment : how the democratic process shapes the way America punishes offenders {Studies in crime and public policy} |
Willing, wanting, waiting |
lives of the poets : a selection {Oxford world's classics} |
Nietzsche on freedom and autonomy |
apocryphal Jesus : legends of the early church |
Shakespeare and the Middle Ages {1st ed.} |
Irony in the age of empire : comic perspectives on democracy and freedom {American philosophy} |
Indian tales and others |
Conservation in the 21st century : gorillas as a case study {Developments in primatology} |
Beginning Java EE 6 Platform with GlassFish 3 : from novice to professional {The expert's voice in Java technology} |
Ubuntu on a dime : the path to low-cost computing |
Toward equity in quality in mathematics education |
Embedded software development with C |
Stochastic tools in mathematics and science {Surveys and tutorials in the applied mathematical sciences; 2nd ed.} |
Challenging the whole child : reflections on best practices in learning, teaching and leadership |
Investopedia guide to wall speak : the terms you need to know to to talk like Cramer, think like Soros, and buy like Buffett |
Embodied shame : uncovering female shame in contemporary women's writings |
Capital punishment {Library in a book; 3rd ed.} |
Privacy in the information age {Library in a book; Rev. ed.} |
Critical companion to Ernest Hemingway : a literary reference to his life and work {Facts on File library of American literature} |
Critical companion to George Orwell : a literary reference to his life and work {Facts on File library of world literature} |
Facts on File geometry handbook {Facts on File science library; Rev. ed.} |
Deserts {Ecosystem; Rev. ed.} |
Facts On File encyclopedia of Hispanic American literature {Facts on File library of American literature Encyclopedia of American ethnic literature; 1st ed.} |
Career opportunities in the retail and wholesale industry {2nd ed.} |
Globalization and labor {New global society} |
Rebirth and renewal {Bloom's literary themes} |
Hate crimes {Point/Counterpoint} |
Animal courtship {Animal behavior} |
Maya Angelou's I know why the caged bird sings {Bloom's modern critical interpretations; New ed.} |
Identity theory |
Handbook of venoms and toxins of reptiles |
2013년 4월 25일 목요일
book list 2999
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